This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Up all night, this was my last night up, I mean haai, so when I get back I'll be hopefully busy-busy, with work, writing, etc, so I'm turning over a new leaf and doing the necessary at Rehab in Pretoria.

My laptop gets locked away at rehab along with my cellphone, so I shall be incommunicado for a while. I'll try to keep a diary of my Israel trip here but it's mostly Hebrew lessons and working doing homework the rest of the time, I should think. I've got to try to get out and about when I'm there, but I foresee a lot of loneliness. Hey ho. At least I've got the material to swot every day after the lessons. Remember the point of this trip - it's to learn Modern Hebrew and practise speaking it, so that's what I've got to make sure that I do, assiduously.

rehab however, that's just a slog, isn't it. They want you to write your addiction history. Phew.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

totally lixivated, well then. Alles was ich dachte, zu haben von dem Herrn, sei nun all vorbei. Nun ja.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Packing for my trip.

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