This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm pleased with my new keyboard, and thrilled that it works so well. The audio out socket is broken: the plastic on it has perished (if plastic perishes) and has snapt off, but it's OK, there isn't much interference, if any. I slept nicely. Stayd up last night and went to bed at around seven am, woke up at 2pm. It's Saturday today; yet another Saturday on my tod, another Saturday nite alone, oh well. I must try to go to church tomorrow.

So you support Israel? Of course; although there are those Talmudists, notably from Hungary in the 1920s, who believe that the Land shall not be re-established by the strong arm of man, but by the sovereign action of the Lord of Israel.

And as such, they do not recognise the State.

Unfortunately these people's stance is indistinguishable from that of the anti-semites and anti-zionists (and remember, anti-zionism is anti-semitism), although it is based on faithfulness and truth.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Off to Israel then! I shall have to think about packing. It's going to be hot hot hot. I shall want to take my linen suit; and a pair of shoes; then, pairs of lycra skinny jeans, and T-shirts, sandals, not forgetting to shower every morning and to wash the lower extremities, lest they stinke; and get a haircut before you go. Books? Dictionary. Your best Classical grammar. Hebrew Bible. I've been building this up so much, I must make sure to work, work, work, and practise speaking, all the time. Getting irregular verbs down, like I did with the German strong verbs all those years ago. Practise, practise. Get verb conjugations down.

Annoyed because someone has ridden roughshod over my text, not translating, but paraphrasing. I am considerably exercised by this. I put great care into my writing, and I expect the translator to reproduce this. Repetitions, rhythm, cadence, it's totally musical, and the form is as much a part of the text as the meaning.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've written most of a tract and completed an OK translation of Psalm 131, but it's only OK. I looked up Robert Alter's translation and commentary, and noticed that I'd completely failed to look at it properly. So I looked at it again, and by dint of the erasure of two letters, managed to salvage my work from being completely and utterly lixivated by total lixivation by those who lixivate inadequate translations.

Apart from that I'm having a horrible evening.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh no, I've been lixivated with terminal lixivations.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ah, it's OK, I've been de-lixivated. Phew!


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

The voices around me are doing their best to upset me tonight but I've learnt the secret of not taking them too seriously. Mind you having said that I had an unpleasant dream last night; just as well I can't remember it.

No visits from you-know-who lately. I think they might have decided it's not worth the bother.

Another six weeks and Israel! yay!

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