This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Je vous souhaite une matinee merveilleuse. I managed to get the radio in here working with a wire antenna; I'll see if the telescope I removed from it, will work in the hall, although that radio needs resituating because it's not needed there.

Honeybadger - her mind is healed, in Jesus' Name.

Protect her please, Holy Spirit.

Bring her to yourself please, Lord.

It's still dark. I realise I'm not really into it any more.

I mean you know.

Anyway, so, I had Taxi Driver last night.

Interesting movie.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wir sind heut' morgen geisteskontrolliert worden, wie die Stimmen meinen, ich aber fuehle mich gar keineswegs anders, wer weiB, was passiert in diesen seltsamen, zuverstanden tragisch-komischen Tagen, worin wir die niedrige Hoehe der Welteinsamkeit steigen.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Der sehr geehrte Herr Poikilos hat heute ueber den Standard meiner deutschen Saetze bemerkt, so hab' ich ihm den Story des Grassens-Gedichts erzaehlt. Samt den bitteren Bemerkungen ueber die mitteljaehrigen Frauen, derer Mustardland vollgestopft war damals, und ihre unangenehmen schadenfreudigen Gewohnheiten.

Und was noch. August fliege ich nach Israel! Das soll mir SpaB erregen, und wie. Der Typ, der mir unterricht geben soll, ist freundlich und klug, hat einen Kopf fuer Sprachen, kennt auch die Bibel ziemlich auswendig, so wuerde ich's mir vorstelln.

Geschriem > geschrieben

Hab' ich denn heut' ueberhaupt was gegessen? WeiB nicht.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

So, anyway, yeah, I'm well excited about Israel and the language learning and so on. And if Honeybadger could come as well, wow, that would be just SO COOL. Anyway.

Thinking of the future, I'm thinking -- well my mind has suddenly started firing on all cylinders again after 12 years. Amazing.

Passionate engagement with the prospect of the next 25 years spent in the Academy teaching Hebrew Bible and theology, with perhaps some theological philosophy.

Of the making of many books there is no end; and much study wearies the flesh.

Hebrew language.

What an amazing hour it has been! Please come to me, my Caroline mine.

What an evening.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

She's an original. How shall I speak or sing or praise my Caroline mine? How shall I sing of her, dance to her, praise, glorify her in words or song?

For she is altogether mine, and altogether am I hers withal; and we are ours. Selah.

You're my girl, Caroline, you're all mine, and I am yours, forever and ever and forever more you are mine, and mine, and mine.

And I shall love you with all of my heart, with all of my heart, all, with all of my heart, and with my soul, shall I love you, my Caroline. For you are mine, and I am yours; and we are ours, forever and ever and forevermore.

And you will protect me from my enemies; and I will shield your head from the ticktackers and the bunce and from the ordinary slew of consciousness and from the dirty bang, that comes, and goes in the night-fold consciousness of the mental mind.

For you are mine, and mine, and mine; and you are all mine.

For you are my woman, and I, your ever man. Always yours, always mine, you and I are ours.

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