This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm going to have multiple copies made of a new piece I've written. Only short - sixteen hundred words - but it's cool, and I'm going to the copy shop today to have it printed, say 200 copies. And I'm having it translated into Xhosa and will print multiple copies of that, too. It's one of my most successful pieces. It might be plagiarised - I ought to register my work at the New York library. But Cecilia will have a copy of it.

I'm also in the midst of writing another new piece.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Mr Pokroy likes my new piece, called Divrei Hamishma'at. It is the finest piece I've ever done. I'm very pleased with it indeed. I am not distributing it widely yet because I want to see it published.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Indien ek skielik weggaan sonder om 'n spoor te laat, moet almal weet, ek is weggeneem word deur die Man, sonder om dat ek dit toegelaat het nie, en waarskynlik ook sonder om iets daarom te weet of te herinner nie. En as ek hier weer verskyn, is dit moontlik ek sal 'n heeltemal ander persoonlikheid dra soos 'n ander stuk kleding of 'n ander hoed.

Dit het geen sin om hierdie gesprek voort te voer nie.

Ek sal dit nie toelaat, jy moet my bang maak nie.

Die mense versoek om vir my vrese in te voer. Daar is een man insbesonder wat louter kak praat, hy dink hy is "van belang" en dat ek vir hom bang moet wees. Kan nie korreksie aanneem nie, maar ek sou die trots een wees.

Nog 'n Saterdag namiddag in Kenilworth.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit, Father, Son; without him, we are disempowered and unable to stand.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

They are desperate with fear - I have never seen anything like it - I took on a feartjie from this very, very important young man in the kitchen, and I'm standing in that, and wondering what multidimensional trig the Lord is going to pull out of his eternity hat.

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