This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Looks like the nightmare is over.

Now I'm going to the bank. I've got to pay Cecilia and Gil. I've also got a bunch of Xhosa translations of Vol 2 that I've got to sort out and have printed. I don't know whether to have them printed: at home, or at Top Copy, or at Forms.

You can leave the matter of those who hate you, to God. He will sort them out for you. Love your enemies, and pray for those who despitefully abuse you.

That you are not destroyed, is a sign to them of their own destruction.

Have a good day! Bank first, then possibly Tyger Valley to renew your AA membership.

At some stage I must take Daisy to Alan.

smiley - magic
smiley - ok
smiley - biggrin

smiley - tea


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I may be able to pay by PayPal.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently half my brain is missing. That would explain why I find certain kinds of mental operations terribly distressing and can't do them. Because the part of my brain that would normally perform those operations, is missing.

Hey! Half of my brain is missing?

I'd better go to the butcher and see about another one.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another married. I can smell it on you. (From the Television)


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wrote to Mother Christmas about Tinky Tonka but no reply. Never any fish in the river, let out your nets on the other side of the boat, boyo, you'll find a big catch there, oh yeah. But hey, we've just tried that! No fish. Well try again, dear boyo, and you'll find a different find.

So they weighed their nets over the side of the boat, and hey, they let the net into the water, and hey, they struggled with the weight of the 153 fishes they caught. One hundred and fifty-three! oh dear me.



Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Multitudes in the valley of decision.

the Lord has finally opened my eyes once more and I've preached the Gospel, with pictures.

Now I'm waiting for the --- oh the fear has already started.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Andrew is obsessed with trying to make me envious of his son Iqbal. It's very sad, because he needs it so much, because he hasn't got any energy left, because someone's turned the tap off, disconnected the hose and attached it to a barrel of turds.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

This post has been removed.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Can't come for whatever reason. I dunno. I try, I really do. But Francesca said... but then, Francesca says a bunch of stuff.

I want to come and live and choose life. But if --- I dunno. All I want to do is write teaching, poetry, music, and well, that's about it, and see it all performed. I can teach. I can teach all kinds of stuff. I can teach cello. Caroline said Laughing Boy's teacher was "humbled" by the improvement God had made in the boy since I taught him a few lessons on bowing. I have left a massage for her on her internet but she hasn't replied. No-one will reply to me or engage with me. I am thinking of wearing a placard around my nack in church on Sunday saying, "I am new. Please welcome me".


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Reap the end time harvest. Yeah. Imagine a blob of mercury on the table. And remember that the deuille's slaves, they want to kill, steal and distroy, just like their tyrant. So don't pay any attention to anything they might dare to aver concerning the Kingdom and your place in it; remember, they aren't interested in the truth, like you are, and like you tend to imagine everyone is, because it is human nature to expect everyone to be like you are; see how they are throwing thought forms at you and making it seem like you are gradually digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole? Well this is boot camp, dear boy, and you're in training. Excellent.

Oh, they are... oh, he thinks he can tie me up in knots. Mr Pokroy surprised me, he stood up for me, and that was actually quite sweet. But these young people, well, it's been terribly interesting. Now they're saying that because I apparently resemble the Son, they think I must think I am him; not knowing that well, sons resemble the Son, that's obvious, goes without saying.

It's going to be a huge relief when you finally make it into believing company. Oh, and "company" for fellowship is an excellent idea.

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