This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to see Isaac and saw Andrew and Tess and Lily and Maggie.

Taught Isaac some cello. Her teacher remarkt on his progress since I've been teaching him, apparently. Tessa de Groot who is good.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ani ba' biqhillat haNotsrim vematsati-li et-ha'almah.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

"They want to hurt you."

"Yes so be careful."

Plus de la creativite pour eux, parce que l'attitude est si triste.

Heivi-li na et-haNotsrit meivinah-oti liqhillat haNotsrim.

J'ouffre les travaux de mes mains pour ceux qui les aiment, mais ils sont contre moi et me haissent; et pour ca je suis triste.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Not only are they hurting you, they're taking advantage of all the work you and he have put into things over a long and difficult pilgrimage. God's gifts and talents are there for you to enjoy, not for others to plunder and spoil. So leave, and don't go back. Yeah. Leave them. Oh, ils ont fait malediction a ton livre. Faut prier pour ca. Ne leur donne plus rien.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

God's gifts he gave you to glorify him with! not the bloody brinjal boim.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dzieli zony go sa niedobrzi, bezpieczenstwi ludzi. Nie miech problemu z nim;

I want to have a scene with Caroline


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Scen chce w Israel z zona Zydska.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Upsetting voices at the moment; some kind of trouble, some kind of thing, but it's illusory I should think. Why? Because I've done nothing for weeks, yet the voices are adamant in their hatred of my stand. Dirtball sleazebag devil worshippers lying through their teeth.

They are desperate to convince themselves that your writer is "damned". They themselves do not believe this, because they do not believe anything; but they want me to believe it, in order to upset me.

They've been on at me for months. This is an ongoing thing. I shall what, phone Alan this morrning possibly. I have to put the Mini in for service. Oh, and a new keyboard, I can't wait.

You're so wrong, they say. Wicked.

I dunno. Receive me, Lord. The voices are telling me all kinds of things and there is a sense of danger in the air, a fear and a sense of danger. Why? To upset me? To drive me to what, suicide? Hell? Despair? You won't. Jesus is Lord, he has saved the world and made the final perfect sacrifice.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

And he kissed her, and she was kissed by him; and she smiled with a delight that filled her body and soul with lightness and a simple contentment.

I've just watched Source Code, which was very good, if a bit weird.

The voices are all around but they are filled with the black blunt of the devil and his lumpy words falling to the ground. Hoi men logoi tou diabolou piptousi pros ten gen, ou gar zwen echousin en heautois.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

The future leaders of our planet: Jew, South African ... (from YouTube)

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