This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

They hate, and they are beginning to wish a lot of things, including whether the punishment for 3 years of time wasting is comparing with a lifetime - say 70 years - of actively rebelling, of colluding with hassatan, and choosing death and cursing, when they knew God is the author of Life and said, uvecharta vachayyim. That's like - well, it's not the imperative, it's more like a statement of a future that's so inevitable that the verb used to denote it is in the perfective aspect.

I'm beginning to learn to teach trust, and to love mercy. All my life I have loved God, and no-one can take that away. All my life I have suffered. Is he going to give me a wife? But no children. I don't want to raise children for the Establishment.

Don't have to listen to anything the Satan-worshippers tell you any more, either. Theirs is now to seek God for the grace to repent. Forgive them all, Father, let your Name be glorified in your love and your mercy and your grace. Amen. Let us learn to trust Christ for his finished work and to rest in that. Let us learn to receive from God, now, and rest, and be patient and faithful and loving and kind and learn how pleasant it is, this life that God has given us to enjoy and bless and be blessed and bless.

Fed up with people cursing me. Yes, you. You can get on without me. I've got better things to do that sit at the table of hate.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am looking for help, I ask Esnath to help me.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

"Act like you know me." I'll have to take this machine in today and try to get them to repair the R key. It isn't working properly.

Well why don't you act like you love me and want me to flourish and be happy? Everyone is constantly cursing me, telling me how damaged I am, how cursed I am, etc. It hasn't been much fun, you know. The wound of knowledge and so on.

I need engagement for the mind!


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now stop JUDGING me and try to HELP

I need HELP


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Some of us are restless. I dunno. Cast all your cares upon Jesus because he cares for you.

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