This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Tired out.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

But, am feeling better now. They have had their go at me. Never mind the voices. I've written to Doris with the Beauty of Faithfulness tract. I like that tract. Someone must help. Can't do it alone. I can write, but I can't do anything else. Well, I'm going to have a go at having Words published myself. Unfortunately it's, ho kosmos en twi ponerwi keitai, kai ei bouletai didaskalon... ouk oida ho ti dei me prassein en logwi tou paidos.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Teaching is like a need for me. It's a need like eating, sleeping, etc. I thought, let's go to the pub tonight, they're open. I thought I could go and get a few beers down me. But it's only because I want to find someone to bring back here, that I want to go out. Not allowed.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I would go if there were public transport, but a taxi is far too complicated. And obviously I can't drive. I wonder, though. An evening in the pub. Just alone, though. There's nowhere in Upper Kenilworth, here, to go to. Cubana is in Claremont, all the way down there, on the Main Road, a long way. It's not really the right sort of place anyway, to go to, and stand alone at the bar. Whereas this place in District Six is just the sort of place I'd like to go and spend the night at. I've had more than enough of sitting here alone, with the voices, all the time, voices, voices, voices. I keep hearing, this job is one that a million girls wanted. I don't remember this movie at all.

Chcialbym isc z Olgi do Europy, do Paris, do Madrid, do Berlin. Placet eae doceat mihi vias vitae. Szczesliwa jest, ze znam troche jezykow slawonickow. Quant a moi, j'ai besoin de la rencontrer, mais rien ne se passe dans le serie d'evenements qui s'apelle la vie de Mec. J'ai essaye a m'engager avec la groupe locale d'ecrivains amateurs, mais elle m'a maledit et je ne peux pas travailler avec quelqu'un qui me fait mal ainsi.

Chce pisac, zawsze pisac, pisac. I uczyc sie. I was supposed to be going to Israel to learn Hebrew, but after a failed attempt at Skyping he hasn't got back to me. I've just suggested he try to get back to me. Time is of the essence.

Just spoken with Gil and he suggests 4 hours a day for 20 days in August. That sounds absolutely wonderful to me. I hope they can get me on the right level for their courses. It should all fall into place. He spoke a little Hebrew with me and I was able to answer, I am sure he found out a lot about me from that exchange.

Now, the question, ani jehudi o lo? Lo yodei'a. Ein-li machshevah, lo meivin, aval ani rotsei lilmod. Ani rotseh lilmod et-Ivrit birushalayim.

Tilfeitti im-Gil birushalayim ve hu' 'oreich-li program avodah asher hu sloleiach-li machar.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

People who have no gift of their own, resort to plagiarising from people who have the gift. The Judge of all the earth will do right and establish mishpat and tsedaqah in the case of my ideas and so on. Hasonimi lo-yimtsu chen ba'adamim. Hasonei yamut; ha'oheiv chay. Mishpat-Eil yitgabber likvod shem kodsho amein.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

How to deal with people? I am invited to help, and am stolen from; I am accused by the guilty of that they accuse of. I am looking forward to being part of a community so at peace with itself they aren't desperate to compete and oppete and compose. Be careful whom you trust. Be careful whom you imitate, or mock. Be careful whom you despise. Be careful whom you hate. Be careful whom you belittle.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

It does seem however that I am kreittwn than paidos didaskalos, which is amusant.

Paisdousi me, aitw oun ten sofian tou Kyriou hws dei me hegeisthai en proswpwi tou toiautou misou.

When evil speaks it's always something bad, they prognosticate, never anything good. And I'm just fed up with it, always, on and on, it's so boring. You'll find out this, this, and this... never any blessing, always just threats. I'm a bad disciple and living here on my own has made me worse. I can't cope alone any more. I've said this time and time again. Now, with a future in mind: Hebrew in Israel and study at UCT, all the trouble dissolves away (I must get this keyboard sorted out). And they don't like that.

Empaisdomai diati dei me metrofilian all' ouk estin thelus --- "you should have learnt" --- what sort of evil talk is that? the people here are - well, I seem to bring out the very reality of them. Not that that makes me proud, but oh well I dunno. I dunno.

He men aute eme meter misei me, pauei de ten auxesin emen; out' oid' egw hws paueton ten auten dynamin ei me apothneiskei haplws ek tes twn athanatwn oikoumenes. Bouletai men apolluw. Kreittous' e emou estin he kake graus. Hai hemerai kakai eisi, legei he graphe. Dei me charis, agape kai eti charis ek tou Patros. Pisteuw egw alla misousin hoi alloi peri eme skenwntes ten pistin, all' hesteke en twi bibliwi, en tous ouranious kai en tei kardiai emai: en Christwi menwn hesteka, pros ten autou doxan aiwnian. Meme si mon propre coeur souffre de la faiblesse du chair humain, et devient blesse par les efforts des maux, ca ne fait rien, parce que ma vie est sauve dans les cieux, cachee du regard de ceux qui haissent l'Amour eternel.

Je l'ai remarque before, que le mal fait stupide. Je l'ai remarque avec ma mere, et avec d'autres personnes.

Mais il semble que tout le monde me hait. J'espere que ceci n'est qu'un etage sur la route de mon auxesews dans la vie de Jesus.

Elle dit qu'elle - see the alternative is too difficult for them. So they have to accuse and smear, otherwise they are faced with...

On priera, sa vie entiere est une priere pour les personnes que l'on rencontre.

Dieu soit loue. Jesus soit benit. Amen.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Misousin eme. Alethws misousin. He haute oikoumene estin miasma misews. Misousin to fws dio ti fainei kai deloi ta kaka erga twn misontwn to fws to agathon kai ten kalian tou kallou. Anthrwpoi hoi misousi to fws tes agapes tes poiousas autous kai tes agapousas autous ek tou thanatou tou ponerou eis ten zwen aiwnian.

C'est incroyable.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Stand, stand, stand; stand up for yourself, against those who would pull you down, the witches and the wizzards and those who point and mutter and say stupidities in the face of the sky.

You miss Caroline don't you. Well so do I, dicit Dominus.

J'ai eu raison d'insister sur mon droit de ne pas devenir l'esclave des phantaisies des autres. Le garcon prend sans permission - cela lui fait mal a celui a qui cela n'appartient pas. Cela va pourrir dans son ame et fera mal a son propre don.

Parce que tu as du travailler dur pour survenir les maledictions qui ont accompagne tes dons musicaux, et quelqu'un a vole des choses sans avoir pris aussi la pouissance de survenir, qui ne vient que par l'amitie. Il me hait, il me meprise. Pour ca le don qui s'eleve en toi en amour - que les enfants du mal ne peuvent point comprendre par definition - cela sera destruction a celui qui le vole sans permission pour son propre gloire.

Oh, c'est quelque chose qui est tellement important a lui, la propriete de sa gloire.

Et il a donne des dons pour ton plaisir en lui, en contexte d'une passion que personne ne comprend que vous les aimants. Secret cache de tels que Pokroy, qui se fache parce que toi est donne plaisir qu'il ne merite ni recoit point. Tu le merites, dit une voix de kindness.

Merci beaucoup, chere voix d' amour et d'amitie.

Ich versuche, um so gut wie moeglich zu sein meinem sog. Freunde gegenueber, aber er haBt immer noch, unter der Leitung seines Hexenweibstuecks. You were... you were... usw. Bitte reinige mein boeses Herz, Vater der Liebe, reinige mir das Herz, zeige mir deinen Plan, damit ich gluecklich werde mit dem Blicke des Zukommenden. Du warst maledit, hast nie eine Nacht mit 'ner Frau verbracht in der Ekstase der koeperlichen, seelischen Liebe.

It's better when it's given, than when it's taken.

Wise guy.

Ich moechte ja eine ... vielleicht eine Woche oder zwei, mit jmdr verbringen, weiste? Ohne Rache. Dann gehen wir unsere Wege, oder bleiben, ich weiB nicht. Waere schoen.

Of course if anyone has like ... just helped themselves to anything from me, then well, anything might happen, from a sentence of crap shallowness, which his own people have been so free and happy to pronounce over me, to one of delusions of greatness and addiction to hard drugs.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

We've already seen someone's gift go sour because of hate and association with God's children.

I love God, have always loved him, and the unrighteous are completely adamant to deny this.

Christ has paid the penalty, he has done the job, he has done it: KI ASAH: and if they can't see this, or don't want to believe it, that's not my fault, so stop blaming me for it, OK.

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