This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

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Pleased with the cello studies I did for Isaac.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got to think about a piece for flute and piano for Lily and Isaac. They are both pretty good instrumentalists but I shall have to keep an eye on the music, to make sure it's not too hard. Thinking about form.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Beautiful picture of Honeybadger on her Facebook. My, she's gorgeous. Real stunner. Pity about her spiritual inclination. But there we are. My heart has had enough heartache because of beautiful women worshipping the Wrong. I've got plenty of music to write, although poetry, I need a muse for that. Honeybadger inspired one of my best yet. I had it calligraphed on a scroll of handmade paper, but she tore it up and threw it away. I've had enough of evil people. Really, had more than enough. Pity about Mister P. He has a lot to teach me and he's got just the mind, he's fantastic, but he's into the Wrong. Such a pity. My heart has had enough of aching because of people worshipping the Wrong. How can they? How can they? I don't understand it. It's awful.

Meanwhile ordinary Christians tend to either love me or hate me; the sons, well, we are sons together, but the younger ones, they're

Anyway, that picture of Honeybadger has brought tears to my eyes. I miss her terribly, but J said she was cursing me, so i'd better not seek her out to talk to any more. It was her birthday the other day.

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