This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bring' uns zusammen, O Vater.

Wir sind verliebt.

Ich war traurig, aber jetzto bin ich gesegnet.

Du bist meines Herzens Liebeslied.


Ich brauche sie, ich gehoere ihr.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

What if the Father is telling them to offer me a teaching job?

They have a big problem with me. They don't have a problem with Satanists, demon-worshippers (Holler), hypocrites (Kullord), kids, mind-controlled slaves. But a son of God, they will hate, and exclude, and well, God's will be done.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

They have a problem with me, because... well, the same reason everyone has a problem with me. Hollar worships demons, kullord hates the light. I prod them, they attack. No, I'm not volunteering, because their selection process is shet. Anyway, God is telling them to offer me a teaching job, and they're going to find themselves in hot water until they obey. The answer to my predicament is to give me work. Look at what happened when I taught Isaac. I came into my own. They patronise me, they insult me, they exclude and ignore me, but will they obey God concerning me?

They had better. Father, tell them.

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