This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm 46 today, another year to the resurrection.

God has won and he has given his servant the joy of victory.

Let my enemies be confused and confounded and let their demons turn on them.

Nothing shall be impossible for you, my son, says the Lord. Your enemies will be in mortal terror of you because of me, and I will keep you safe until you come home to be with me forever.

I will protect Caroline for your sake, says the Lord. Deliver her, O Lord.

For your enemies will be judged with the measure with which they tried to judge you, says the Lord.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have kept you hidden for forty years, says the Lord. And I will restore the years the locusts have eaten. You will exercise vengeance on our enemies, says my God. I will keep far from you the enemies of my Kingdom, and they will not dare to come to you again. The shame which they purposed for you, will fill them forever, for they will be resurrected to eternal shame and contempt.

I will silence your enemies for my sake, says the Lord, and I will be glorified in their shame and disgrace. They will flee in seven directions. They will be pursued by the same demons they sent to torment you.

As for those internet people, they will know they had a prophet amongst them.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Satanic little girl on CCFM at the moment spouting Maslow and calling it God. "God unctioned me..." --- no. I lost my temper because she touched my anger. Oh, dear God, these people are what drove me away from the church when I was a kid.

God is not a psychologist. God is not a mind controller. And I do not allow women to have authority over a man.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes, it was witchcraft. There aren't many of us left. CCFM seems to be rotten to the core.

Oh, they'll hate me. I haven't been through what I've been through for nothing.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Expose the works of darkness.

This is the Satanic method, used by women, and by all of Satan's little helpers, who call themselves "important".

They press God's people's buttons. Sometimes, God is still working on someone, and he may still get angy, because of the pain caused by Satan's abuse when he was little.

And the evil KNOW this.

So they cause anger, and there is a predictable reaction. Then they accuse, and blame, and start with the reproaches. Then they say things like, "you're changing your destiny" - which is a TOTAL lie.

It's a variation on the throwing shit at someone and then pointing and saying, He's got shit all over him.

So they create sin, and then they blame you for your sin.

It is quite despicable and something we have to learn.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

What it is at the moment, is the devil trying to wear me down. They lost the battle - I didn't lose faith - and they've been taking out their anger on me. What they don't know, is that Satan is very angry with them, for failing to compromise me.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Have been writing what I hope will be a good piece, it's a literary reading of the Ten Commandments and it also ties in with my idea about the preaching of repentance. It's going to become a booklet called "The Grace of Obedience".


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah. God is holy. It was a bit of a shaky start to the new year but we start again tomorrow. Not looking forward to the withdrawal but we have to stand in the purposes of the Lord. There is always a fly in the ointment because of what the witch did, but that's why the Lord has given us the Holy Spirit and the ability to pray and stand in the Word; to overcome, to take territory and win glory for the Lord.

Send angels down to the battleground.

Time to ignore the purveyors of evil and stand in the Victory of the Lord.

I've spent most of today asleep.

The attack at the moment is to cause me depression. H said something yesterday that upset me more than I think I've ever been upset in my life. I was so upset. I prayed for her and the Lord heard my prayer. He hears my prayer, thank his holy Name.

The Lord calls you, and encourages you. Of course, he says, when I give you vision and victory, those who hate my Name will try to bring you down. But you stand in my Word and I will uphold you, he says.

I was out of it this morning. That woman on at nine really annoys me. This morning she was wittering on about Maslow. God knows what my needs are, my hurts, etc. I don't think writing them down on a piece of paper and burning it, is the way of Jesus, do you? Anyway, most of them on that station are either mind controlled or Satanists.

Thank God, I can still write. God has given me gifts, and he will not allow any smelly demons thinking themselves "important", to take them away. We in Christ know we are nothing; it is Jesus who is important. That Jesus, whom the Satanists hate. Honeybadger, don't hate; God has given you a precious heart; love, therefore.

Rokpoy over the way is doing his best to irritate and upset me; he is a sad old who has nothing better to do than curse those who bless the holy Name.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bless her, Lord, and bring her through. Peet's was a Satanic blockage that stopped the Lord from coming through. Spiritual persecution <> self-inflicted spiritual drama. Let's see what he has to say.

"I hate you"

Oh dear. Another one bites the dust.

Thank you for the Spirit of Sonship, Father.

Now, about Caroline. You told me not to pray for X, because he's doodle dilly dally, but Caroline, no, she is a precious gem, a jewel, she doesn't even know it yet, but she is marked down for eternal life. And her efforts to make me fall in love with her have only made me realise that she is one of the redeemed, and she has caused me to pray for her. If she is meant for someone else, that's fine, but let that someone else be a son of God. Oh bless her, bless her, bless her. For you are not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and eternal life.

Keep on praying for her.

Thank you Holy Spirit, you are indeed the Comforter. Leaving Peet's was the best thing you've done for many a year. Gosh, since 2002! Anyway, you're free now to use the time you used to spend online, to pray to the Father.

A threshing tool! Yes, God has made me able to sniff out the fakes and expose them. For this, you are hated. But that's how it's always been. There are sons, here and there, 7,000 of them, who know you and who are standing with you. Yes, and the prayer team, they love you too. Bless them, fill their hearts to overflowing with the Comforter's love.

Stand against wickedness and take ground. Encourage your brethren. Sindi is a good sister. Bless and encourage her.

Esnath is growing too. Bless her.

Yes, today was a special day. I was asleep most of the day, but God was working in you and you have overcome. The radio people are resentful because ... well, you have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony. ja, God will help you with those things.

Pray Caroline into the Kingdom. Bless her. She wanted spiritual things. Now show her REAL spiritual things, and cause her to thirst for the love and the holiness of God. Cause her to hate her powers and to repudiate her controllers and to renounce Satan. Pray blessing and comfort for her.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Lord is God. Jesus holds the keys to Death and Hades. He is Lord.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

The loss of ML is like when God told me not to telephone people, but to go to him and talk to him instead. That was a major milestone in the growth of your faith. So is this. And look: it is 25 years since you came to South Africa. Caroline said it; you said it in your poem. Abraham waited 25 years between the promise of Isaac and his arrival. God is about to do something great; that's why he wants you to stop misbehaving now, you see. And he has done it nicely hasn't he. Just give your man a bonus and have done with him. Then come with me and let me show you what we're going to do. (I love that "we".)

Praise God. Oh, the enemy will try to poison you and lie to you, but we laugh at him. God laughs from heaven at his enemies. And you, too, laugh at them.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

Andrew broke his arm "very badly" on Sunday morning. Oh dear, what a shame. He will need to rest up properly because of course he uses his arms in his calligraphy. Please use this time, Father, to clear his mind and bring him closer to you.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh well. I think you are so damaged, you'll never grow up emotionally. That's a shame. Mind you, their definition of emotional maturity is enslavement to women.

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