This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh dear I'm in the 6th month of a very heavy dealing, it's to do partly with my habit, and partly with my calling. I'm getting uphill from Mr Prod over the way and the cleaner and everyone, thank God for friends, though, I'm very grateful to God for the friends I do have.

It's a dull day, 14 degrees; yesterday was warm and beautiful.

Esnath breathing Satan's name again. She doesn't realise what comes out of her mouth is the overflow of what's in her heart. She's always been fond of mentioning Satan.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Things have been a bit extraordinary lately, I mean in the course of the past five months or so, since November last year. And they continue to be very very taxing. The Doc has given me tranks that don't work. The voices continue to accuse and vituperate. Presently I am trying not to listen to the voice of one Caroline Robertson, who is instructing me to write a suicide note.

It's all very very strange.

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