This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Honeybadger says ein-li dvash.

I'm hoping her poem will be ready tomorrow. Then I'll take some things to her and her mother. It looks unlikely my crazy romantic plan of yesterday will come into fruition. badad yashavti.

ein-li acher ba'adam.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Honeybadger says she was told about me by her mother when she was 3 years old and she wanted me ever since then. That's not just sobering, that's annihilating.

Jesus was universally agreed to be a splendid chap, a lovely man. I wonder whether Francesca now realises what was happening? The Lord recommended her a book. And he was so sweet about the Church and her schism. And about the Bride. I don't know how that's all going to work. But our Lord said, I never had a girlfriend, and he's right.

I haven't heard from Francesca since yesterday.

I said, The Father did the whole of Creation mainly because he wanted to find a wife for his Son. And they loved that.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The relationship between God as gracious and merciful, and our sin.

Because God told Moses he was gracious and merciful, and that means that's what he's like in himself from eternity, irrespective of whether anyone sinned or not. So sin is like kind of the best way that we can appreciate what grace and mercy are, when they are brought right home to our front door, where it's up close and personal. The goodness of God isn't just something to admire theoretically, or aesthetically, but the reality and nature of sin means that we have the opportunity of learning what God's like in terms of his grace and mercy, right where we are most ourselves and closest to ourselves.

If only Francesca would write to me. She had the experience of a lifetime yesterday. We all did.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Lots of gub gub and sort of chanting like a chorus, this morning. I sat and listened but after a while they started telling me faith stuff that I didn't agree with, it contradicted the Bible, so I stood up and left the room. Needless to say the voices started accusing of arrogance and so on. Their word arrogance is what they call faith. He told me to apologise to them and to go with them. I got confused. I can't really cope any more. He said they would use me all the rest of my life. I told him I wanted to know about my system. He said, Only afterwards.

Andrew says the poem should be ready some time tomorrow. That means I'll have to go to deliver the stuff on Tuesday... or, I take it to DHL and have them deliver it by courier. I won't send her the spoon though, that's personal, and I will only give it to her personally.

Fellowship with brothers and sisters ought to be very much like being with him.

He asked, What about interiors. Interior design, sir. Oh, he said, you can do my room. That would be coolest. He says his colours are blue and green. Oh, and he doesn't like my red carpet. Well I need to measure up and find another one, possibly a purple one, but it has to be nice and thick and soft.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Probleme intractable: the establishment can't programme anyone who isn't afraid of them.


Je n'ai pas peur et l'Etablissement ne me peut point manipuler.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Concentre: Le souris sans fil, qui ne marche pas aujourd' hui.

Je ne l'ai suis finie la piece-ca qu'en janvier cette ans, dit-il. Viruses trained to fight cancer tumours. A single shot cure for cancer. That's amazing. But then, how could we die. Because They have a cure. A biological revolution is coming whereby we live to be 1,000. This is what God has promised, not what man gives, because as God gives, Jesus don't give like the world gives.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ils se releveront cet ans a Decembre, ai'j' acoute chez quelqu'un qui en as de plus que moi d' informations relevantes au sujet de l'expermentation cet a enfant de l'argent puisse, c'est un enfant beaucoup aime et protege par l'homme qui se trouve la-dedans.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Nickelodeon in 1992, was Ren and Stimpy, and it seemeth to me as though it were a mere year ago or so. Yet were 23 years ago. When was C born? I was a mere lad in 1992 and my mind control started when I was 17 apparently, but how did I become famed by the time?

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