This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The building noise is especially patronising today. They are working deliberately slowly so as to extend the time of the disturbance to cause me maximal discomfort and annoyance. The neighbours who are responsible for this, they aren't making themselves popular hereabouts.

At least, not with me. It's sad, how people have no respect for their neighbours and are pleased to cause week upon week of intolerable disturbance, they are even blocking up the lift.

Oh well. If they are trying to drive me away, they won't succeed. If they are trying to drive me away from God, that can't happen. If they are trying to fearfully freg, that -- well, that's a matter for them, I couldn't possibly comment.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Andrew's boy's cello teacher liked the Studies I wrote for him and asked for a piano part for no. 2, which I supplied. Nescio quae sit attitudo familiae illae in me. Audivimus mellivora ipseque cordem pueris hodie, habet superbiam propter dona sua "ma genie et ton talent" etc, non placet nobis.

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