This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Remember the farcical situation with Olga? And the piss tests?

Well the word is promises promises if I stop using.

Well I stopped for a week. Nothing happens.

Oh, Christ Church tell me to get lost, that happens,

Get called Devil Boy in church, that happens,

We Don't Want You, that happens

Aborted attempts to come through, that happens

We're in a holding pattern six miles above the airport

figure of eight, figure of eight

Plenty of fuel, the pilot lit a cigar and the Hamlet music

Reinforcements are ready waiting

Fresh supplies of vital nourishment are on the way

Intelligence reports a favourable political climate conducive to real change

A raft of measures

everything is in place

everything is in place

everything is in place

the world is set for you as for a king, David


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Readiness is at the ready

ages long plans and intentions are coming to fruition

fruit is ripe for the plucking, the dew settles on the downy peach

the slow oils of the olive give light for the seeing and healing for the sick

the flowers of the chamomile teaplant give rest for the CNS

dopamine agonists are not required

an opiate will not assuage

My Spirit will comfort, he is called alongside you and he is faithful

be faithful to him and you will see

my faithfulness never changes, never wavers, never fails

believe it

believe it

come on, come on, believe my boy, believe

oh, the explosive blessing, a Hiroshima of anointing oils

Niagara Falls the River of the Water of Life

and the trees whose leaves are for healing

whose fruit ripens every month

the Throne of Grace is there, yes, boldly to mercy

and to your Father and to joy and to GOD

Come now, yes, you can do it, come on


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

the one who calls you will do it


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

the one who calls you is faithful

the one who calls you is able

the one who calls you is willing

the one who calls you is doing


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

the one who calls you is able

the one who frees you is free

the one who calls you is faithful

the one who frees you is me'um adonai

the one who calls you is a soldier

the captain of the hosts of haShem

the one who calls you is broken,

the one who calls you is the

Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi

dona nobis pacem

dona nobis pacem

pacem nobis dona

pacem nobis do

oh i want to come I want to come


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Giving him her key.

M it seems may be on the side of weevil because he plays humble pie and mocks and shivers while he spits and curses. He engineered the whole thing on Saturday and I was stupid and weak enough to fall for it. But E now says she worships Satane and cause ruckus in the vibres.

But she loves the Lord and she loves still, and the enemy has been defeated. How hard it is for a woman to learn to put the reality of God above her own emotions.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Pok put me in a dwaal to enjoy himself by, and I was in a dwaal, and didn't set my equipment properly, and lost my temper a couple of times, because I was in a dwaal.

Now they're all freaking out. He was our teacher, etc etc.

These people --- either angel, or demon. They have no humanity. They've lost their souls. It's SO SAD.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I couldn't live with the possibility of damning myself so I damned myself so I wouldn't have to live with that possibility any more.

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