This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The voices continue... down to one now, the man whom the Rabbi also has to deal with, and we understood each other. I miss the Rabbi. This place has gone downhill in the last three years since I've been here. Val's gone too, which is a shame. She was always there.

Anyway, Christ is Risen!

He is risen indeed.

I've got the most terrible gyppy tummy since the last lot and kept having to run to the loo.

The voices have been terrible. There was a mind controller doing her thing, which changed everything, and then I was jumped, and things have been terribly distressing ever since, but the Lord has been my helper.

Oh, more voices now. The pills don't seem to work, but I'll try a couple more; I'll have to go back to get more.

Analegw pantas hws bion ekhontas kai phronw peri bion emon, hws ptwkhon estin aneu gynaika.

This world is even worse than I thought it was. Can't stand it.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the Book about MK, I don't know why, it must be there, I just haven't found it yet.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ama et fac quod vis - Augustine of Hippo.

This from an African theologian, one of the greatest of the Western tradition, if not the greatest.

It's all temporary. Thank God.

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