This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The persecution continues. If they weren't persecuting me then I wouldn't have any way of knowing that I was OK with God. The persecutions are part of the "...with persecutions" of the Gospel promise. But I'm still feeling insecure and anxious. I've had it up to here with being disrespected. The workman bloke is taking the piss out of me. Someone else can do the work then.

The church have very rudely told me where to go. I try to do things like go to church but they all reject me. Go away, is what the world says. Do not be surprised, says my Lord, if the world hates you, because it hated me first.

I'm waiting for something to happen. I can't just stop using. I need something to happen to help me to stop. Things to happen together.

But nothing happens.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I wonder how the New Testament refers to mind control. It was around in Jesus' day. Babylon. We were told not to get involved with Canaanite practices, putting children through the fire, etc. And these days, it's practically ubiquitous. Frightening. They can tell I'm free, and they hate me. I'm a beacon of witness, neir 'eid, to the truth of the God of heaven. This is why people hate me. neir 'or 'elohim 'el choshekh ha'olam. And the darkness has not extinguished it.

I have the Kyrie Variations, I have an attempt at a first movement, and I want a slow movement to end. A threnody for an enslaved world.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

They've got to Fritz Springmeyer.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

X, the chap who nearly nicked my Blackberry, is trying to wiggle his way into my life again. I am not willing to have him in my life again. He probably wants money. The voice of someone says he's laughing at me. He's laughing at me. I'm sorry but although I said I wanted to get a life, I don't mean with people who are only interested in what they can get from me. I don't think he's interested in me at all. Last time I saw him, he wanted sex.

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