This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can't believe it's actually 2015 already. This is seriously discombobulating. Oh, and I noticed last night that wickedness is hectically on the increase in the world, hectic indeed.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm not inclined to get into argument about it. Michael Feld is very clear as to who he considers me to be. I need the documentation; if I had it, I'd go up like a shot. Absolutely no question. If I belong anywhere on this planet, it in the Land. Because I cetainly don't belong anywhere else.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Goodness, I could have been a teacher. This movie is from 2001 and it's like totally prophetic. These will be subject to de-emphasis. Truth, loyalty, justice, freedom, emphasis, tergiversation, bollockoid perginominalisation, terrific globular normality emphasise major thirds conjunction subjunctive lekker music music music. It's the outsider who begins community. This bloke goes around listening to people who think all the time. I used to think all the time. I used to have a stream of consciousness going on all the time thinking about things, now I seek peace, peace, at all costs, peace of the soul and peace and a solvent for the pride that ossifies my heart and threatens me, I need salvation. Don't upset yourself dear boy. God himself will wipe away every tear.

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