This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Phew, I'm cream crackered. That Satanist in a bad disguise, well, was supposed to survive me by several months but even the wind and the waves cannot out-do my Honeybadger When it comes to (comes to) the pleasure that a wife brings her husband in the form of children. But I don't know whereas buying a hat ought to be easy enough.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh they're having breakfast in Simon's Town. I am told again not to tarry wit Mel Das, she is dangerous. Haller is out of control. I hope I never get like that. Only You Can Stop This Nightmare. But I enjoy being with Mel. She's nice. Better than sitting alone. "You're famous." Yeah, and..? I wonder whether I'll ever join my brethren inside the camp. That's why I can't stop using, things are, well I don't know. They keep telling me to come, but I can't, Francesca said so. Well in that case, cut off from my people, according to the flesh & according to sight, anyway. And they continue to goad and poke me. I don't mind being disrespected, but I don't like people using me as an excuse to praise the devil.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Outfit for Friday: brown whistle, Mzansi shirt, dicky bow, why not, and a hat if I can find a brown one. Docs. Must have a pschydtt before Friday.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Waiting for my glasses. I decided I don't like my new ones. They're awful. WHY OH FING WHY do i allow FING shop assistants to choose things for me, when I have my own mind and they always get it wrong and I am quite capable blah blah blah.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got to find a hat. Going to scour cape town for a hat.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Abstain from "earthly blessings and comfort". Well one permanent abstention from that is all too clear to me. But I want to move with a clear conscience. That means - you know what that means. All your anointings are still there, don't worry, just relax and trust God.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I dug out my hats, and found some old favourites. My black one with the upturned brim, it's quite warm, that one, and I was too hot in it just now when I went out for supplies. There's a grey-brown one that I'll probably wear with my outfit tomorrow. I've got to have a shower and wash my hair before that. I may decide to get there by taxi, because I will probably be drinking a little bit and my policy is zero mg/l alcohol when driving. Just to be on the safe side. It's only Bishopscourt anyway.

I thought the Adagio first movement of the flute piece was good, but it isn't; it's a good idea at the beginning but the central part is just a sequence of sequences.

Now I've got to sort out more tracts for Michael. He was very anxious to tell me all about something, I just tuned him out, not interested.

smiley - magic


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Why? Because I'm sick and tired of being hurt and judged and told the time by my fellow believers, that's why. I've had nothing but abuse since the beginning of November and I'm fed up with it. I'm so tired of all this.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I need to chill and get over the substances and so on. I need to get myself sorted, but of course, you know I there is a veil there, a veil where Moses is read; I need to get to shul and find my people. Remember you're just as good as they are. And remember to stand up for yourself.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

The variations in the Kyrie Variations are so short, I may have to repeat them, I'm not sure. Not at all sure, they're so concentrated. Fluff likes them too. You see, I can't give up my music. God gave it to me to enjoy. Nearly finished the Kyrie Variations anyway. If I add more music around it, it will only be the slow first movement, which I want to write, because it's got a good opening idea.

I hope to compose that tonight as a matter of fact.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've finished the Kyrie Variations. Pleased I think. Might need a bit of revision. The ending is fun anyway. Medication time came with reminders from the computer and the mobile phone tonight.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

I ought to get a second ethernet cable from the router to my den, because the Entz machine needs a fast connection, which it hasn't got at the moment. I've got 2 Ethernet cables that I don't use, the lounge and the spare room, but I need to keep both there.

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