This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

This month is taking ages hey. h'lmh 'mrh 'shr 'hvt 'ty. So! that's nice.

The above language is unpointed Classical Hebrew. The way the scholars write it.

It's a nice day. Went out, had the piss taken out of me, was abused, back home again.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Actually the word-order should be 'mrh h'lmh 'shr 'hvt 'ty


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I believe Jesus has set me free from the Establishment. I have to say I am feeling different feelings about this. They have been told to leave me alone apparently. God has shown himself strong on my behalf. Praise God. But... I feel a bit bereft. I enjoyed feeling I was someone. But now I'm no-one again, after only about 3 months of being someone. (Well, 40 years actually.) The cattleprod marks on my wrists have faded and I am restful. Yeah you know best King Jesus. Don't let them mess me around any more.

Oh this bloke says 432 is more in alignment than 440Hz.

So now, can the Lord give me a someone who was also in the Establishment, emphasis on was, so we can have children for freedom and not for slavery? I want children now, more than anything else.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Nice adult conversation, spoilt by two snotty urchins, disrespectful, inappropriate.

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