This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to Cape Town. Bought a Karen Immelman satchel for myself and a pair of silver spouns from 1785 or thereabouts.

It was freezing cold in Cape Town but warmer in Claremont.

O Heuningdassie wanneer sal ons ons weer sien?


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am pleased with the Kyrie Variations. It is a piece for flute solo. It is dedicated to Prabs (in his real name), but I am writing it for Honeybadger to play. I also have the beginning of a Rondo third movement, and have to think of a slow first movement, which is going to be purely abstract, possibly 12-tone. So it will be a Sonatina for Solo Flute:

Sonatina for Flute Solo

I Adagio
II Variations
III Rondo Allegretto

I've got the opening of the Adagio, too. And I have thought of its shape.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

My piece might be a big difficult now. It's got lots of fast semiquavers. Heuningdassie said it was good, at least the Variations were.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Esnath asked for, and received a cable for her blackberry charging. She called me "Satan" after I gave it to her, because I didn't give her the charger part after she told me hers was still working. Right. She calls me Satan, I'm gonna act like him. I'm deducting R50 off her pay tomorrow, to cover the cost of the cable. if she complains, I'll tell her to stop calling me Satan. She does it all the time.

THIS is why I want Honeybadger, and why I want to disciple her myself.

Oh yes. Well it's not the only reason I want her, of course, but one of the many.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I might go to shul tomorrow, if I can find it and what time it starts. I have every right to be there and possibly a duty, hey. Secret Messianic Jew. Can't get my mind around it. I wish I knew who my mother was. I'll have to buy a yarmulke. I should go to Sea Point in the week and buy one. And a prayer shawl. Of course.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Frank Retief is talking on the radio, it's a recording of one of his evangelical sermons. I had better think about how I present the Gospel, although, practically, when the opportunity comes, I say what the Spirit gives me to say, so there's no point in trying to think about it. I wonder whether this "atah jehudi" is an elaborate prankh or whether it's real.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have written to the people in Jerusalem, asking them for details and how much it will all cost. I have thought several times that L might go, or C. Now I don't know.

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