This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Was told last night by yet another witness that I am Jewish. I was not my mother's baby apparently. Honeybadger. I am trying to contain my impatience getting her to come and stay here. I am extremely fond of my Honeybadger. She wants to make babies with me. I want to make babies with her. I want to


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I made a PDF out of Words Vol 2 for printing and sent it off to the copy shop.

Still no sign of the paperlude.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I see... and they're taking the piss already in ML. Must have decided publicly at around noon. What a shame. And drove away someone else as well, dog in the manger style. I don't want him but you can't have him either. I should have realised a programmed multiple in her mid 20s was bad news, even if only for the emotional immaturity. She was triggered into a different alter who was wholly demonic and very unpleasant and entirely antipathetic to me; this was horrendous, and I still find the whole mind control affair repugnant and repulsive and disgusting. Hey ho.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

She is in a different alter now, somehow having been triggered into it. No idea how that happened. But it seemed she was stringing me along all the time, anyway. I already got one confession of this out of her but every time we broke up we made up even more strongly. But there's no communicating with her if she's been triggered into an antipathetic alter, and I can't manage her because I can't manage the illness. She loved music and appreciated all the things I like. Our history together must have been intense. She knew me very well indeed, yet all that knowledge is wasted. She understood how my life has been and told me that I broke a tennis racquet over Peter Pears's head after he had had me. Apparently, she said, I taught Britten the polyphony of his church parables (including Curlew River) and the later music. Sie sagen, ich sollte die Stadt verlassen und weglaufen und alles entkommen. Sie sprechen vom Polygraphen. I am apparently only the second person in the world to call Peter "Peter", although I don't know what that means. When she was in the right alter she was a really, really, really nice girl. When she's in the wrong alter she's a monster.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

God bless my Honeybadger.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Amen. The lady on the prayer line prayed prophetically into the Honeybadger situation. Praise the Lord. Praise his holy Name forever and forevermore. Amen and amen.

Got a firebreathing diabolist breathing heavily at the other end of the room. My room, my rules. This is a house of God. The Trinity shall be praised here tonight. Amen.

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