This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

There's a lot of "the rest of your life" going on at the moment; I have voluntarily submitted to a radical pruning, indeed, I gave everything away for some reason, and now they are doing their best to convince me that I've made some terrible mistake which I'll regret for the rest of my life. Which I don't think is the case, but I've got to wait to settle down again into normality before I can left my guard down and relax and so on. It was a radical pruning and the usual Scripture applies, but at the moment they know how to upset me and so on, and it's just a matter of standing until I can find "pou stw".

We must not allow the world to taint our character. Without holiness no man will see God. Holiness is the end product of obedience. Treat other people as God's own creation. Don't abuse people. Treat them as the creation of God. They are now, as I nearly said, impotently furious because I've slipped away from their earthly grasp.

Identities don't change; what changes is, by definition, temporal and contingent. The spirit remains the same. And you are only supposed to live from the spirit anyway, so anything else you might have been walking in, was illegitimate anyway. So no cause to regret its passing.

I voluntarily gave everything away. Why? Because that's what God does. The Scripture was Phil 4:8 or wherever it is: not something to be grasped, he emptied himself and took the form of a servant, obedient. Now, I can hear Wally, well let's hope the vision gets clearer without the stuff getting in the way.

Show me why I can rejoice in freedom, and take away feeling, like Sean said, like a gobstopper. Amen.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but I think everyone not being scared and so on, and people being nice for the first time, will make everything more than worth it.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh dear, in trouble with Honeybadger again for being too honest. It's either me, or the jynx, or both. Oh dear, another apocalypsis tremenda cum spiritu horribile. Of course l'on doit se rapeller qu'elle est rousse et aussi irlandaise, avec l' humeur tempestueuse.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

"For the rest of your life blah blah I'm so important because I'm so powerful blah blah blah." So Honeybadger. Bye bye Honeybadger, it's been surreal.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now Esnath is murbling balefully on about how she's "left" me, and how she "loved" me, and so on. People just don't think. I suppose I didn't think either before I spoke to Honeybadger, so at least I deserve it. Oh well. Life is actually a lot pleasanter without people in it. Sad, but true. Honeybadger made a horrendously funny comment earlier on. She told me to perform a certain action. She said it made me sweeter. "How sad," she said, "that you have to resort to X before you become an acceptable human being". It made me laugh SO much and I'm going to miss her dreadfully badly.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Skryf ietsie oor jou en my in Johannesburg terug in die ou dae. Met plesier, my heuningdassie. Oor jou en my. My hart breek met trots.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Primavera en la sud de l'Europa esta un tiempo buen' cantado en las poesias y las canzones de los corazones espanoles artisticos.

Si, nosotros somos los artistas nuevos de la nueva generacion.

Cantamos del amor y de la muerte y de las palabras las mas escuchadas en los salones de la tierra amorada de Mexico y de Madrid, en la ciudad y en los paises de nuestras hermanas y de nuestras madres.

Si, asi es.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Y ella conoce que son los espiritos males que hacen balagan de nuestra relacion amical cuando parece como yo mismo tengo la culpa. Por eso soy muy agradecido.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

"Spoken like a true prophet", lovely. Eric said that too: "genuine prophet". Ja, it's when you don't show all your working but leave that to the wit of your interlocutor. Now Honeybadger is freaking me out and it's horrendous. Apparently someone invited him to go and teach somewhere but he wouldn't know anything about it. Not with the amnesia and all that. Milk of Amnesia. Mine's a pint.

Honeybadger knows me back to front. Ah! Time I made a start on her story. I'm charged with writing a story for her.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

People messing with my auditory cortex as I was trying to get to sleep tonight. Fearful, horrible words. Filling me with fear and dread. Well if that's your game, I'm not going to sleep tonight.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now they've abducted my darling and are putting temper tantrums in her. Poor girl. She hates those. But our God will prevail. He is greater than we are, and he knows tonight that we are the innocent and that evil men are sinning against us. And that makes my God very angry.

We know, they say, that you have a hotline to the God of Israel.

Too right mate. And I'm using it. Because we are being hunted down, O Lord. We are being hunted down like dogs, Father, for your Name's sake. Therefore prevail on our behalf, Father, prevail, and prevailing, cause our enemies to be confounded, Lord, confound them in the heights of your holiness, Amen.

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