This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It was an eventful night. Several things happened. It was interesting.

I am having to rethink things as a result of awarenesses that became possible in the night time. Secretly I ... well, anyway.

Oh well, Mister No and Wally on.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Having decided to call time on a probable timewaster, I feel myself a lot stronger and taller than I was before. Just a matter of not being drug back into the same morass.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wally mocks on and attempts to intimidate as usual. Sy se hy gebruik haar, wat dit als ook beteken. Ani chosheiv al ha'almah yehudit asher he'eminah tamah al haggullah baberit hazekeinah, aval asher bo'ah lilkoah et-meshiach Yisrael. I saw someone seeing miracles of the Word, confirming the spoken word, with signs following, so something similar if I could have the privilege of leading to Jesus. All done in Hebrew of course. That would be something extra special.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

It has been SO hectic with realisations and seeings and so on. I'm bushed now. I need some proper sleep, with croutons.

I am deliciously tired and let's hope I can get it together to sleep all tonight. Last night was very amazing! Predictable posh has got indignant because someone has got more power than she's got, in an advantageous wavelength. Funny how these salt of the earth types are happy just as long as they've got the upper hand. Take that away from them and suddenly it's all sour and resentful. The reality is that God gives place in the Kingdom to whom he gives it. Apparently I made him laugh last night with my little lesson. Oh, but Lord, these realities are ever so tremendous, and I am so little.

See me, please, through this present time of difficulty.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've had such an interesting life.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Excellent testimony on CCFM tonight, from believers, which is in itself so refreshing, although the young man needs to think properly.

The girls assume superiority, you see, so you just have to be patient while they come down off their pedestals and so on. Many, many of them struggle with respect and with needing to be in control and so on. What you need to establish on your side, is your fundamental equality and feet-on-the-ground, which they may struggle with, but jy is die man en die leier en die ouer, en jy het die verantwoordelikheid om die groundbeginsels van die

they will judge and use bad words, and exclude you and shut you down

hettie brits resources, now

it's a machine.

Make sure that we get through life OK, and more than OK.

C has done you a very fine service, she's really helped you. Leave her now, but rejoice in the help she has given you, sanctified by God.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

What happened just now was that I am standing and seeing the Establishment and of course, my brother Elton saw what I saw and perhaps that's how God shares the general awareness of the situation.

I need to do something about my front door buzzer. I've got someone coming here every Sunday morning pumping my door buzzer at 8.30am and I'm sorry, I'm not at home to visitors at that time of the day, and it's so rude to pump at that time. So what I need to do, is enact the passive aggression of disconnecting the doorbell so that I am blithely unaware of any pumping at that time of the day.

Tomorrow morning a man is coming to quote. Well, he told me that he hates me, so perhaps he might come.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, the Lord is God, and God is Lord; within those statements stecken Versprueche about a lot of different things. God is good; and his mercy endures forever.

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