This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

A Gospel for Johannesburg

We are all the creation of God. He created us. He created us for his pleasure. But an enemy tried to mess up the Creator’s plan... only to realise, after it was too late, that the Creator had foreseen the enemy’s intervention and had written the story of mankind in such a way as to take it into account. Without the enemy’s attempts to break God’s plan, there would be no plan! Yet again, what the Enemy of Souls intended for evil, the Creator was able to turn into a wonderful blessing... read on...

Deep, deep in Eternity, there was the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit. The plan was to bring many sons to glory, so that God could be Father of a huge family of descendants, and fill Heaven with many children. God had angels, but these weren’t made in his image and likeness. God wanted people who resembled him, to enjoy Life with into all eternity.

God wanted to create a Creation. That was something new: there would be physical matter in our four dimensions at last. And he did so; we read about it in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. The angels, it is written, sang for joy on the first morning of Creation. God created the heavens and the earth, and the dome of the sky, and the sea and the dry land, the plants and the trees, and then he made the lights in the sky; he made the animals, and the fish in the sea, and the birds in the air; and then he made man, in his image and likeness, which needs a man and a woman in relationship to reflect the Divine Image and Likeness. For the Divine are three Persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and these are in eternal Relating with each other, and they are found in an eternal relationship of Love with each other, a dynamic relating to each other, a relationship of putting the other first, of making room for the other to shine. The peculiar dynamic of the Divine Relating is mirrored for us in the ways men and women relate, because, says the Bible, we are made “male and female” in his image and likeness.

He made a family of humanity for himself. But we had to choose whether we wanted anything to do with him. He showed us that he wants us, by creating us, and giving us such a beautiful planet to demonstrate the lengths he will go to, to bless us. But he wants us now, to show him that we want him. To deliver this message, he sent his only Son to earth, born of a Virgin, Jesus of Nazareth. This Jesus walked the Earth the perfect man, who lived in solidarity with us, because God wanted to come a step closer to humanity; he wanted to breathe the air of the timebound Earth we breathe, so he in his turn could breathe his Eternity into the hearts of men and women, and cause us thus to live with him eternally, forever and ever.

When God gave mankind free will, we showed we weren’t to be trusted with such a divine gift until we had learnt a few lessons first, as a species. We messed up almost as soon as we had been given free will, by choosing to go against what God wanted. They didn’t know God very well; they didn’t know that he is so wise, and his goodness so all-encompassing, and him so faithful, and true to his heart of love for us, that he can be trusted completely and always to have only our best interests at heart in everything he says and does. As Creator, he is Master of time and space and all the dimensions, even the hidden ones where his secret Wisdom operates, unknown to the powers of the air and their representatives on earth.

He loves us; that’s why he made us. He made us to be loved, and to return love.

Just as he is three Persons in a welcoming open hearted community of love, inviting us to join him at his banquetting-table of Love forever, so we image this community-forming nature of God in our activities on Earth. The way that God has made into communion with him, is through his Son Jesus, who opened up the way through death into God’s everlasting Life, on the Cross of Calvary. You can only reach Eternity through Death; which is why Jesus died in our place, so we can go with him through his Death, to his Eternity, waiting for us on the other side. And we can only reach God’s eternity through Jesus’ death. That’s why Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no-one comes to the Father, but by me”. If we die our own death, we will have to endure our own eternity, which is not good, without God, without God’s blessing. No-one wants to spend eternity alone, separated from God. No, God made the way in Jesus for everyone to come back to him. Jesus came once, and told us who believe in him, to spread the message: He loves us, and he wants us to be together forever, delivered safe and sound into the Eternity of his Love. Great indeed, writes Paul, is the mystery of piety:

He was shown to the world with a body;
God said he had a right heart;
He was seen by angels;
He was proclaimed among the Gentiles,
He was believed on in the world;
He was taken up in Glory

Jesus took away sin once for all, on the Cross. He died death once for all. He judged sin once for all, and took it away, did away with sin and sin’s powerfulness and heat.

He entered into Resurrection once for all. He came from the Father, lived before the Father, and returned to the Father. So it is with those of us who believe. So believe. Cry out to Jesus, the only One who can save you from your sins.

When we say that Jesus did away with sin, we mean this: that now, when we look on at the world and observe badness happening in a provincial town, we do not fuss and bother with the guilty ones, and shriek and poke at other people’s “sin”. It’s all been seen to; and the measure of our faith is how we can look on as people sin and sin against us, with calmness and equanimity, because Jesus has done away with the sinful power. So when people think to be sinning bad, they’re not, they’re just convulsing strangely and making smoky; let them; they’ll discover the truth in time.

And thank God for lifting you up from the world into heaven, and rescuing you from the power of the obligation of the Law; for all that is seen to now, as well, and Christ has set you free: believe it! Receive it! Exult in it! And praise him for the work he did to set us all forever free for ever.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

An enemy tried to mess up the Creator's plan; but he didn't reckon with the wisdom of the Creator, and the faithfulness of his Son, and the reality of his Wisdom and of his Grace, and of his Love and his Truth, and his Faithfulness.

Should I just give up and hit the road, now?


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

No, I'm putting off driving until Monday, I think. That means I can go to church tomorrow. Already the first reactions are out: "poor boy", etc. She's disciplined me yet again. Do not despise the Lord's discipline; but the enemy's? If it's needed, of course. And I suppose it helps me to master my spirit. But it's been a pretty dismal life, most of it shrouded in amnesia and just disciplines all the time. This time she was threatening to... but what happened to Wally yesterday? He seemed to suck up into a sort of black hole. Mmmmmmp.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got no reason to call her, and she keeps turning me away when I try to visit her, so as always in the absence of encouragement I have to stay away. A bloke NEEDS encouragement. You keep pushing him away, he'll think he isn't wanted, and he'll stay away. I've already nearly got into trouble with the cops for chasing devil-worshipping women who didn't want to know / couldn't make up their minds. Sorry, you must take a step in my direction after I've taken 100 in yours.

In the meantime control your silly little boyfriend or I will find someone to control him for me.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've done my part; the voice said she wanted to speak to me but when I phoned she was obviously in, but told her mother she didn't want to speak to me. That house is shrouded in black fear. I think I need to - I dunno, give up on the lot of them at CCFM. I just don't see a way forward. And look what happened when I left L alone - I got a threatening phone call. Someone said "It isn't how you think it is" and I'm sure it isn't. I was on the brink yet again yesterday. But I don't know, even my Doctor is aware that I'm going through some dreadful initiation at the moment. I keep shivering on the point of vision but never quite getting there. The voices lie, mostly. Yesterday I was trembling on the brink of vision for about a minute and even the music was from another, more familiar world where I was at home. I just don't know anything. I believe I was used lately but my mother tells me they've put me out to grass now, but I don't necessarily believe her. I think the whole Caroline thing has been a red herring and she really isn't interested, just playing.

Voices were telling lies yesterday so I have no reason to believe they've suddenly started telling the truth today. I do have adequate revelation, Bible knowledge and cognitive powers to see me through.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh yeah and one of the women said, "You're satan's adversary" which I thought was interesting they should want to admit that. I am seriously considering packing up and leaving Cape Town and renting in Johannesburg again, with the option to buy. CCFM is falling to pieces each time I listen, so it seems, si post hoc si propter hoc nescio.

So perhaps I should go up to Jo'burg with the intention of flat-hunting and that would be grand.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

memoria revenit quaedam. I was terrified of being switched, I don't know why I was so terrified, I had to be calmed down before I switched. My alter system is very very delicate indeed, very sensitive. People are messing with me now. I can do without this. OK I'll fulfil my role in whatever drama needs playing out, but I don't need threatening into doing it, I don't need any kind of unnecessary or uncivilised behaviour, and I don't need people messing about with me. And someone accused me of "not appreciating" whatever, this afternoon! I have had my whole LIFE taken away from me. I had no life at all. Ask Caroline. It's appalling. And now they want to mess me around. Sorry, that's not on. Someone Good might have something to say about that.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

And the irritating little man across the way wants to harsh my buzz because he can't upset me any other way because I STAND in the VICTORY of CHRIST. Swallow that, atheist - proof of God's victory, and you know it. Don't wobble your fear at me again.

The wicked resent the righteous. So it ever was.

Jesus, please, you know. Why must I sit here enduring the mockeries and scorn of your enemies? They hate me because they hate you. They hate us. I don't know what I do. Paul said the same. Yeah, I've worked out a theology, along the lines of Chabad or Lubavitcher leader theology. Talmud etc. It works, too. But you know, I wouldn't like to have to stand ... oh, I already have? OK.

It's like walking up and down a tightrope upside down.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got the enemy clouding my mind all the time here and it's been like this since the beginning of November, and I haven't been able to rest at all and get away from this dreadful time, and now you want to get pedantic after 3 years? And yet you refuse to allow me a woman to help? It can't be that important then can it! if it was massive you know, send someone along, no, I mean someone strong that you can help to -- no no, this is ridiculous, these demon whippers sneering and sneering at me all the time. Again, I am accused, I can't deal with this. I'm not strong enough. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

I've done the alcohol and the fags, now give me a little more time, yes, I'm asking for a little more time to get out from under this fug of evil here, and out into the Karoo, and get my head cleared and yes, let me learn, and yes, let me learn everything.

But please, no muck ups, like I've got to do something over because someone fouled up. And I don't want to hear this "dear oh dear" in this tired defeated demonic voice any more.

It's Elton, and he had a lovely voice of testimony, but as soon as I start SMSing in, he begins to take the piss. Why? Why? Why are you taking the piss out of me? I get cold hatred from the enemies here at home, I get hot wicked sauce from the demons in the air poking their filth into my body, and I want refreshment from you, brother, not piss taking. They all do it. As if they had any logical...

I've spent 40 years weeping with you Lord. I'm sorry I've caused you pain lately. I'm very sorry. I'm hassled. I'm not -- strong enough. My mind is half there. I can't talk I'm under too much pressure.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Thing is though, we work from the victory, when we lead judgement to mercy. We start with the victory. This is the first thing. The Holy Spirit comes to us from the as it were future; from the eschaton, from the manifest victory. So we start from the victory and work back to find where we are, and leave a crumbtrail. Then we pick up the wounded and carry them back towards the Glory and towards Christ.

we stand as expecting Christ's return at any time. So we stand right at the end of time. Where are we situated in time? Right at the end. And we look back onto the present from the future. The time between NOW and the very end, is past time, to us. We can move around within it.

That's why it's called acharit in Hebrew - it's after us, it's past us, it's behind us. We've got the future behind us.

What is behind us, we can work in and walk in, because we have already been there. We walk towards the NOW in the middle of time, from our standpoint at the very end of time, walking back towards the NOW from the distant future. We walk into the present from the distant future; we are travellers through time.

We bring with us the wholeness and healing from the manifest Victory of Glory of Christ.

These good things we bring with us out of the future into the present. This is the ministry of the servant of God in these days.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I think Badger needs to marry. I think she's a lovely woman and that she needs to give herself to a good man once and for all, and devote herself to him and him only, and rest in his love for her, safe and warm like a kitty cat on a cushion by the fire, purring away.

Then he would be her teacher husband, teaching the people by day and leading them in the eventime, leading them out of Babylon into the Kingdom by night. And she might be his loving wife, gently entrancing him to be and to do all that his masters would have him be and do. And he might find delight at her breasts; and she should find delight in his delighting in her delight. Oh, that she should find rest and peace for her soul, in the anger of the torrents of the raging of the Mortimers, in the soul of our gentle royal master! That the fierce anger of the Marcher Lord might take her and ravish her away to the place where she was born, and thence to distances and to eternities. And they might find themselves scattered upon a thousand stars; and they would find their way back to home again upon the softness of the soft anvil and the plying furrower. That she might expend herself and find herself spent at the service of his altars, and would stretch out in satiety and slumber, one at peace. That she might heal, and her head wounds close and heal, and her heart might be replaced by transplanted heart from God at last; and she might live.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes, Badger definitely needs to marry, and she is the sort of woman who always goes for the older man. She's the type. Unmistakable. Needs the sense and strength of the man of experience and maturity, otherwise she just sits on the boy's head and gets bored with nothing to do; and we know who makes work for the hands that eat of the bread of idleness, which Badger doesn't eat, no, not at all; and we must ensure that things stay that way. She is.

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