This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Was told to f- off just now by someone speaking over the airwaves in the aether. What a shame. Because -- oh, never mind.

aute men gar agapete pany di' emou estin, philtaten te kai aspazomenen auten ekhw en tei kardiai. fainetai de me misein.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, it's Wednesday morning, and the whole story with Honeybadger is over. Brothers and sisters having a say into this? Because in the absence of a believer, Honeybadger would make a splendid helper. But that's an unequal yoke, which I cannot countenance. This is unacceptable to Honeybager, of course, but I have to remain constant to the Word. So it's with sadness and tender regret that I say, Good-bye, dear Honeybadger. You were kind to me, you were patient, you treated me with understanding and wisdom and interest.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure on earth than to hand myself over to her. But she being a disbeliever, I would be going against the Bible, and you can't expect God's best for you if you do that. So you see, I have no choice. I underwent some profound learnings this morning with the DiV which she oversaw. Perhaps that can continue in some shape or form. She told me she didn't like playing second fiddle to the Lord.

But the Lord isn't a rival; he's the air I breathe. I can be with Honeybadger in the Lord. And because she has said she wants to believe,

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