This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a terrible scare last night. No more scoring for me. Never again. The church people - well one of them, apologised for not getting back to me. Their home email is down. She said that would apply to the other person as well.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I want to think of more things to write. I have three series on the go:

Words from the Word Vol. 3

Township Tracts

Booklets - essays on one topic, dealing with it in greater depth.

Every now and then I have an idea for a Helga-tract, that is, something for Words from the Word. I have to come up with enough Township Tracts for Sindi to teach from every Sunday. And I have already written one booklet, The Language Of Grace, which I have sent to the proof-reader for checking. Then I'll print it in Xhosa.

The next task I have is to establish a network in the townships. This is the hardest part. But I need to get my stuff out there. The whites are either too X or Y to bother about my stuff. But the blacks love it.

So, onwards and upwards. Word First Ministries is what I do because the Lord hasn't given me anything else to do yet.

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