This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I was waking up yesterday evening and the experience was extremely unpleasant, so I told the Lord, No thanks Lord, please let me remain asleep, so I had a nap, and when I woke up, I was fast asleep again. Thank God for that.

I have lost all respect for CCFM as a source of truth. There are one or two decent people on there but most of them appear to be cultists. One of them pretends to faith but actually has none, and I can't wait to rip into her taking the merciless piss. I think she should leave the room, actually. That's what she said about one of the men whom she thought was slow. She has gotten on the wrong side of me and that's not a good idea.

No, I require of any woman that she have faith. She complains that her faith is small. That's ridiculous. Jesus said with faith as small as a mustardseed, you can move mountains. This country doesn't take prisoners. If she can't stand the heat here, she'd best bogger off back to Ireland. And I don't trust her because she's completely mind-controlled. They did it to her in Amerika. No, let's forget her.

I want Lynwen. She is the love of my life. She must just abandon Satanism and leave Matyika and find her all in me, that's all.

So far though I've received nothing but trouble from women since about mid November 2014. It's been hell.

But I need companionship and help.

O Lord, sort something out please.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, I tried. You can't say fairer than that. I've had it up to here with the pretence, the fear, the patronising to cover faithlessness, the put-on confidence... the whites here are so messed up. I would move to the township like a shot if I didn't think there'd be a queue of people a mile long wanting handouts.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The resistance I get from the blankes is in stark contrast to the welcome I get from the township people. It is nothing other than Neidisch' Neddy Neid, apparently. What a shame, what a crying shame, that God sends his son to his people and it's Luke 20:13-15 all over again. Don't hide your light under a bushel; let others hide it for you.

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