This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ephe he agapete hoti apodysei to kykikon dia ta polla problemata emprosthen pantas tous xenous. Aitw ton Patera dia to tou Christou eleos apolambanetai moi ta skandala prin gameswmai.

Eskom is now expecting a hand-out from Govt. because their diesel is going to run out on February.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

This is a piece called "The Language Of Grace"

I've got a Long Arm Stapler waiting for me in Somerset West, which I'll get tomorrow.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's fifteen years ago to the day when I was deceived by a false vision and I started my long wait for Caroline. Four years previously to that, I believe the Spirit told me to stop asking my Father for a wife, and to start thanking him for her. That's nineteen years ago. Quite a long time. Anyway, God is merciful and kind, and that's how we are to be towards others.

The big event of this afternoon was that my cellphone went, and it was Caroline on the telephone! She asked, Can I speak to Jonathan urgently. I was in the middle of looking up a Bible verse: John 6:63 as it happens: and she has such an extraordinarily rich voice, it was lovely to talk to her without apology or shyness or anything, just talking to her. She thought I was Jonathan and I said yes, I use that name to write under, sometimes. I was a bit befuddled but then it was tea-time. She was a bit stressed and she worked out she'd got the wrong number.

And so my long wait - well, I think 15 years is long enough to wait for God to do anything, isn't it? Abraham didn't think so. Neither did Moses. Nor Noah. So I'd better set my face towards Jerusalem and carry on my pilgrimage towards the City of David.

Paisdei me he agapete pasan ten hemeran. Ou boulomai paizesthai hypo tei gynaiki emei dia ten mwrian emen. Oide ho Iesous ho ti dei me dexesthai en ton bion. Elegen de he anagignwkousa pollas kriseis krinein me chrein. Yodei'a ha'elohim et-hakkol. Hinnei kol et-asher ani rotseh ledaber. El adonai elohim, el adonai elohim, hu' yodei'a. Amein.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Warum denn können wir nicht mal endlich redlich sein und zugestehen, daß das "extrem-Rechts" jenen Tendenz in uns allen darstellt, worüber wir uns schämen, und den wir aufsplittern und objektivisieren, damit wir uns den Eindruck geben können, uns davon entfernt zu haben?


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

There's an awful lot of teaching needed amongst the young here. They explain why I have avoided Christians all my life; they point the finger and judge. These days I have enough faith to bear this; but for someone weak in faith, their actions are soul-destroying. They are also black-and-white people, which is a serious problem. The problem there is a failure to appreciate the Incarnation and the reality of God's humanity; this is what I saw first at Aberdeen.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Jesus loved us while we were still at enmity with us. What kept him going all that time? Someone says, "faith". Faith? Ahem, Jesus is the Word made flesh, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. He doesn't need faith; he IS what he says. No, it was hope that kept him going. Lots of people know about faith; fewer know love; but only a few know about hope. The oppressed know hope. Next year in Jerusalem. Tomorrow we shall be free. These are the songs of hope of Israel and South Africa.

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