This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The spiritual condition of CCFM and its presenters has become crystal clear to me.

"If they won't listen to you, it's because they're not listening to me, either"

I don't know why the Lord sent me here, these are kindergarten kiddies playing with blocks.

I am that close to ... never mind.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Helga, you have to grow up. You are help captive by the cape town stronghold, all of you. Wake up, for God's sake, and take your thumb out of your mouth and wonder why the Spirit sent me 6,000 miles to you. If you won't listen to me, that's because you're not listening to the one who sent me either. You'll accept anyone who comes in the name of Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Evangelical; but anyone who comes in the Name of the Lord, well it's Matthew 5 time again isn't it.

Do you remember that part in the OT when Elisha was walking and some boys came and took the pess? What did Elisha do? Well be warned, because one greater than Elisha is here.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

No wonder they didn't notice Lynwen. They're all half blinded by Baal Zvov themselves. It's time they woke up, or were woken up. The situation is symbolised by my contacts with Helga and Sean. I hold out my hands to them all day long, but they refuse to answer. My God is making things clear to me. I can't deal with these things on my own. I need help. Those from overseas who come here are too fascinating by the effect the Mountain has on their genitals, to be of any use. You should have heard Philips yesterday. Cackling old witch. Well, God doesn't do anything without telling his servants the prophets first. So he's telling me. I said yesterday, God's in the demolition game. And I've got a ringside seat. Just stand, says my Lord. Here's some popcorn.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sorry, all this sounds rather harsh, and I wouldn't write it now; but you know, that's my brain for you, it changes all the time, or at least, my guts change all the time. I switch from personality to personality all the time and there's nothing I can do about it because I'm not aware than I'm switching. Sometimes people who know me get to know how to make me switch. And then they play with me. Because each personality is amnesic to the other ones, I -- well, it's very nasty.

It is unfortunately true that there are aspects of seeing in which many of the people on the radio are shown in a very bad light indeed.

I can't help this. I'm not in charge of people's faith. I haven't been given the responsibility to lead people and bring them up in the teaching of the Lord. I think first the Lord gives a man a family to lead, and if he can do that, then he puts them in charge of his people.

I am sorry to have said some of the things I said above but I was in a different mind space. And I have no control over it.

The word ezer means support and a wobbling table needs the support of a wall in order to stop wobbling. I cannot go against human nature as even God admits he has made it.

But again, if people say they love God, and go on piously about how ooh and aah is God, then well, if scrutiny reveals them not to be true to what they say of themselves, then well, one day it will be known, and better now than on That Day, when it will be too late to do anything about it.

So let's pray and beseech our loving Lord to send his Spirit and lead us truly into wholeness. I'm not demanding people become good; that's not Gospel thinking. Gospel thinking is to present the Kingdom in such a way that a) it creates a thirst to live that way, and b) God's Spirit actually comes and realises whatever is necessary in us, to live that way naturally, because it's pleasant. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity! It is like holy oil dripping down Aaron's beard. Yes Lord. That's right. We do it gently and powerfully. O Lord you are so good. We love you.

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