This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am watching a sad movie about a man named Turing who was grievously and notoriously abused by both his peers and by his political masters, who tormented him with carrots and peas and with potatoes and with cream and custard and with mustard and leeks and keepsakes and with ordinary mud. She is not made of mud, but of flesh and of tears and of red, red. Double agents are such oastards, isolated loners, no attachments to friends or family, arrogant. Do you know anyone like that?

I can point to nothing
and say, Here I am,
This is me
Made by the manner of my hands

You fragile narcissist.

I like talking to you. I like talking to you too. I smiled at him fifteen minutes ago and haven't looked at him since. Bingo. She's in.

Because if you tell him my secret, I'll tell him yours. Do you know what they do to homosexuals? They steam open your soul and take a knife to your smile. We'll have each other's minds. You really are a monster.

logoi fobountes


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Theological personalism, or trinitarian personalist ontology, Christological personalist phenomenology and pneumatological personalist epistemology, are disciplines in theological philosophy that I invented here on this very Journal and at Peet's, and which a certain person, who shall remain nameless, plagiarised for usage in her own doctoral thesis in philosophy, which she passed. Every idea, she told me, came from my writing online. I was I think more detailed here, but I did write a lot back in the day, over at Peet's. Of course, she will have worked out all the details, but the fun is, that my system works and the details all add up. If I ever went back to writing along these lines, which is unlikely, I should want to do the methodology myself, with a sharp reminder to any reader that these ideas originated with my own research into John Macmurray at Aberdeen in 2007.

She also made a connection between these philosophical ideas, and Conservative political ideas, which is interesting.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I didn't, however, even get so much as a dedication. I was amused at first, but now I feel like justice needs to be done.

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