This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

This is a hootoo Journal entry for Sunday the fourth of January twenty fifteenski. Watching MiB3. I've seen it before. It's entertainmentalistic.

They're back in 1969, the year of my birth.

They're back in 1969, the year of my emergence into this time zone.

From eternity past - if that makes sense.

How would you feel if you had astral visitors from the future?

I know someone who might have had astral visitors from the future. They told her all kinds of things that sounded rather crunchy. Nutty, crunchy and tofu spiced with pepper sauce and dried pea grundlings. I embrace the concept of visitors from 2250 or thereabouts, telling the personage about the world they know, but she didn't ask about much, Ishe let them speak and tell her all about the world they know, but it was a jape from jape city. Because it was all a confabricatioun of stories from storyland town, the capital of storyland, a country yet to be discovered at the top of Brazil, called Sheryl-Ann, a typist from Uitenhage, happily engaged to Phil, a car mechanic and part-time newspaper editor. Ti de boulomai en tais hemerais tais erkhomenais prassein? Kai dei me meta logwn ergein. Logoi tes aletheias, logoi theioi, logoi tou Logou. Didaktikos gar eimi egw.

Mustardland is of course a forum of personages from the planet Earth, so one must be very careful when one writes to them, because they pivot on a pivot point, just like certain personages that I know.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Very very good use of the neuraliser in MiB3 at the end. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

To live in the present and to have hope for the future. Dealing with the past is a lifelong struggle for victims of secksual abusing.

Trust his heart. When you can't figure it out, trust his heart.

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