This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well the year winds to its dramatic end with a new tract and some writing on the renewal of the mind. A bit tired. It's been the most astonishing couple of months since I wrote that bit in ML about knowing someone who required that I use all my mind to know her, and that I assumed this meant that I loved her with all my mind. How distant this seems now. It's been utterly overwhelming.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Mistress of the King's Music is here for a visit. It is always pleasant to entertain her at my humble dwelling. Today I ought to go to Eerste River but that's an awful long way away. I have one pill left and I can split that up into two and see myself through using 2x4mg, that might even be sufficient unto the day.

Prodigal Son can come home. That's nice. I think of the Britten cadence of the 7th in Bb on "my son". The Mistress is going to be a music critic, but I don't know whether she'll be writing criticism of my kind of music, or the Gospel material she is accustomed to adjudging with such impeccably excellent taste and discernment.

I heard that the word of Jesus "let him who can accommodate this, accommodate it" in the dominical word about the eunuch, is actually a misreading of the text, and that the actual words are something else entirely. Then again, Paul talks about "your virgin" in 1 Cor 7 and the overall thrust of Paul is no sex before marriage; this has been the teaching of the church for two millennia, and the Bride has not unduly suffered thereby. So I am not willing to assuage my hunger on the basis of a possible misreading of a Greek word, when the rest of Scripture (including the Song of Songs) appears to support the traditional position. It is, however, true that I should be a much less messed up character, had I exercised myself in sexual ways over the course of the past 20 years or so. But I didn't.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Wow. Father. Av beYisrael.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Jesus said, Worship the Lord your God and him only.

Father, you sent your Son to show us the way. Indeed, he is the Way.

Jesus is good.

Printer was working fine yesterday, and this morning it didn't work again, although I think the reason for that was that the network was slow.

Wonderful city, Jerusalem. Yerushalayim hazahav.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

And we silenced the tongues of wickedness and of folly and of the extortion of the wicked insane. We, that is, Jesus and I, oh, and the Holy Spirit, we silenced the accuser and we put up with the fleshy doings of the flinger of demons and the defender of the honour of the spirits of filth. And in return for a curse, we gave a blessing. For such a blessing is a heaping up of burning coals upon the head of the one so blessed, amen.

We intend to prove the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Artificial miracles in Cape Town apparently, over Christmas. The Divvil up to his divvilish tricks again, no doubt. Well, that'll sort out the men from the boys. Although the Bible refers to this in a curious way, leaving a paradoxically narrow margin for the leading astray of God's people. "So as to deceive the elect, if that were possible". God's keeping power is in direct confrontation with Satan's antipathy towards the Israel of God here. So as to deceive the elect, if that were possible. Well yet again we have reason to be very thankful that God is both Lord, and good, and that we have the great good fortune to have been born into a universe where the Management are the good guys.

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