This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's the twenty ninth of December and God is on his Throne and Jesus is sitting at his right hand and yes, God is Lord, Jesus is God, Jesus is Lord and King of kings.

God is Lord.

Jesus is Lord.

Hilf' mir O mein Vater.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I was completely cleaned up yesterday luncheontide and was celebrating so in their hatred L pumped me full of dirty, and now I'm back the way I was. I dunno, but what I do know is the language of ack is no longer applicable because I can get rid of the stuff by prayer, and secondly, this is how he wants me. So get used to it.

Judging by the sight of the eyes is SUCH a big problem. It's something you've got to learn to overcome big time, because that's basically the original sin - eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

These children on the radio cannot control themselves, they seem obliged to abuse me with unkindness, it seems they can't control it. Theirs is a highly heterodox way. It's a stronghold of course, that much is clear. The joke is that the man God's sent to teach them the Way is himself the bearer of an extremely heavy and unpleasant cross; he is basically tortured alive, like Jesus - a living sacrifice indeed, bearing the abuse he endured outside the camp. They keep on going on about the fact that I am cursed, and that I am prey to demonic attack - they talk about the pain of the one You wound.

Yet they don't celebrate the fact that I am free! They don't celebrate the victory of Christ over the devil that I am a living illustration of!

It is commonly acknowledge in my circles that I am free in Christ; but all these children can see, is the filth in my flesh, and the curse that keeps it there, and they conclude from this that my heart is wicked. That's actually quite a serious slander; people should be careful whom they slander. They judge me by the sight of their eyes, and call me wicked. Jesus says never mind old chap, blessed are you when they cast out your name as evil. They look on me and pronounce their own judgement - and that in both objective and subjective senses of the word. I stand amongst them and am assailed by a constant stream of abuse, accusation and judgement.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've finally got my duplex printer in the Study working remotely from my den over the wifi. It's attached to the acer notebook and the problem was that the acer wasn't showing up in the list of network printers. But it did eventually and I seized my opportunity and got it working almost straightway.

So I am free to go out and buy ciggies.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

And so I face what is probably going to be the hardest test of will, skill and grill that I have ever, and shall ever face in the entirety of this brief span of time of life we call teacup. Prepare the oriental dragons! Crack the tinnies and delicately position a prawn atop the barbecue. Be humble and think much of Christ. Do not believe any words save those of the Spirit of God. Christ's victory is all-encompassing; he has publicly stript the Deuil of his power and victory over men, and has destroyed the power of sin, which is death, and the sting of death, which is shame (I think); he has removed the second death from those whose hearts are his, and has died once for all on the Cross outside Jerusalem, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt. By his humility he has taken the punishment for our pride; by the infliction of our penalty upon him has be bought us his peace. He stood between God's wrath and ourselves, soaking up the cup of the fury of the indignancy of the Father's wrath against sinfulness and sin. He took the death which was ours by divine law.

But there is more than that. We were in Jesus when he died on the Cross all those years ago, for the Mystery of his Incarnation was that he assumed all of human nature into himself, that same humanity which constitutes our natures. We are given our portion of the sufferings of Christ, to suffer, so that we may inherit the corresponding glory in the Age to Come. Paul carried around within him the dying of the Lord Jesus; he also said he died every day. So then, Paul took up his cross daily, and in his own body partook of the death throes of the Lord Jesus, becoming one with him by faith. There is but one death, that of Christ; and there is but one Resurrection, that of Christ. We all died in Christ, and those who believe this, and trust in this Christ when comes their time to die daily, will be carried along with the greater Death of the Lord into the tomb, to be buried three days, according to the Scriptures, and will be raised from the dead to everlasting glory in the Age to Come. So it is that the faithful believer gradually disappears throughout his life, as he dies away and is raised into Eternity with Jesus, who sits at the right hand of the Father, ever living to make intercession for the saints; as we, too, are living sacrifices being put to a lingering death on a daily basis on behalf of those for whom we, in our turn, live to make intercession. Unfortunately I have little experience in sucking nipples.

Unfortunately this afternoon turned out to be an anti-climax. I was supposed to make a "decision" which was touted as the most difficult decision of my life, but the questionmaster was a Satanist whose voice I could barely make out, and I wasn't entirely sure what the point of the proceedings was. A guest appearance by the Antichrist failed to happen and I decided to call a halt to things after they collapsed into an unbelievable farce.

So I've put the radio on instead.

I think it can safely be said that I belong to Christ, that I worship him and him alone (along with the Father and the Spirit), and that the moderators in ML can let me back in. Thanks.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised. He is the Lord of all; and his Father is the Father of spirits, even of the rebel ones that fell with Lucifer all those years ago, out of heaven, down to earth and to underneath the earth. The Master of the King's Musick, apparently; all the praises from the whole of Creation, he organised and orchestrated into a majestic symphony of worship to the Almighty, the Most High, the Eternal. Well, that begs the question, who does it now?

I've had such an amazing month really. It's been all too much really. Some of the revelations I've been privy to have been altogether too much for me to handle. Interestingly, they've premodded me in ML during the intensities of this period. Obviously they know what's going on. Which is impressive. Someone I know is in the country; she is in a nearby suburb and has come all the way from Hungary. But she can't come to visit because the vase fell behind a radiator and turned into a planet.

The doctor's wife says that Words from the Word is a gentle book. Which is nice.

Oh goodness it's been hectic this past month. I don't know how I shall cope with it if it goes on for much longer.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Here is a tract I prepared earlier:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21)

The first part of this proverb is clear enough; the tongue has the power to inflict death or to bestow life. That the tongue is capable of direct action in the world is hinted at by the metaphor which we translate “power”; literally, the word used means “hand”, so that the original speaks of “the hand of the tongue”. The hand is capable of many different actions. One of its principal actions is touching; it touches the hand of a loved one, for example. The proverb would appear to point specifically in the direction of speech that kills or brings life in the context of a relationship between two people, more precisely, a love-relationship. We arrive at this impression through the words used in the second part of the couplet, which are “love”, “eat” and “fruit” respectively. In the context of a love-relationship, the idea of eating reminds us of the first action of eating recorded in the Bible, which was also an eating of fruit, namely that of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the word “fruit” we also hear overtones of the word “be fruitful” in the phrase “be fruitful and multiply”.

So the proverb as a whole contains ideas of life and death, the tongue as an instrument of touch akin to the hand, and a whole nexus of ideas surrounding the disobedience of Eve and Adam, the awareness of the uncovering of their sexual organs, and their subsequent generation of children. These ideas echo with the resonance of nakedness, shame and covering, which brings us back to the notions of life and death at the beginning of the phrase. In this proverb a whole world of intimacy is pictured, where the tongue and the hand act as instruments of tenderness in speech and action, with the nourishment - and danger - of eating the fruit of emotional closeness in the relationality of love. The reader may be reminded of the act of kissing, which was used also as a sign of betrayal in the Gospel story. Interpreting the whole together, we are shown how lovers’ love and the resultant blessing of children in a family are created by the careful use of language, where each lover has to learn how to speak to the other in ways that nurture and foster the safety of closeness, sharing and trust required to build the relationships that lead to family and children.

We see here, then, the tight compact of the Hebraic mode of expression, where the simplicity and concreteness of the expression invite the reader to look ever more closely into the words to discover an ever deepening revelation of meaning. A whole world of love and grace in speech and action is revealed in these few words.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have managed to formulate some central ideas about the renewal of the mind and the difference between the reasoning of the world of sight, which is based on sight and leads down to the grave, and the reasoning of faith, which is based on what is not seen and leads upwards to the Most High.

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