This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yesterday was the most astonishing day I've ever had.

It'll take me quite a while to recover.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Theological personalism - a Philosophy of Love

The relation that Macmurray takes as his fundamental reality is that between mother and child. I take mine as the relation of love that subsists amongst the Trinity.

The Trinity is my living symbol which I use as a lens through which to interpret all personal encounter and relation.

We also use Christology and the theology of our spousal Union with the Word and partaking in the divine nature, and "may they be one as we are one", to explain the ontology of person.

Persons are in Christ; Christ is unto the Father. I've got the kernel of an idea which appears to be a powerful and flexible interpretative tool for understanding human society on the individual, relational and national levels.

You can have theological sociology.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

WW3 to break out soon; South Africa will, as the Siener foresaw, be spared the worst of the destruction. God's brought me here for that reason, too. Don't much like the idea of going to live in Israel though. Israel will surely be the epicentre of any conflict in the next war.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's been a warm Sunday. I was feeling quite ill earlier but have perked up this evening. I had a spell of standing in the power of the Lord and all the spirits that I was carrying around with me, left. But my enemies were unhappy that I was celebrating my freedom and tried to put new demons into me. I had a kip and can't feel them any more. God bless and save L.R. and keep her into the future unto Eternity.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone said today that I was 45, but that I behaved like a 12 year old. Something must have happened around then to traumatise my brane into stopping to develop - which is indeed what the Doctor said.

Actually I was damned and cursed when I was 5 years old. But God has overturned the curse and blessed me instead. And I believe the Lord will restore the 40 years the locusts have eaten.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Writing "The Language of Grace" tonight. I hope to finish it soon. I've been thinking about it for decades.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I nixed the PSU of the study PC today. It's a long story. Basically I need a new Study PC, as this one is quite old. BUT it's got a new OS and I think it should have as many as 5 years left in it. It's the only whizz bang PC in Shem Elohim. The other boxes are cheapo low-spec ones. the lappie type machines are all SSD and vary in quality.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

So hopefully all I need to do is get them to put a new PSU into the Study PC and it will be as good as newness.

"is it true?"

"don't be scared"

I wrote a beautiful little passage for Lynwen when I thought there was a chance we might get together. Oh, it was lovely. I think she's still having trouble so I wouldn't show it to her.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another voice, this time very sharp and clear, has appeared in the early hours.

Just stay faithful.

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