This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well that was an unexpected turn of events. I have narrowly escaped the same fate as my brothers. She was going to stay with me six months before making off with half my loot and my mother's best silver. In the event she got rumbled so we're renegotiating the relationality of the setup. Her mother's chucked her out so she's got nowhere to go and she's afraid of living alone. The offer is still open: she can come here, if she wants. She will find, if she gives me a fair chance, that there's more to me than just a fool to take advantage of, use up, and abandon.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got Lynwen trying to stage a basic coup d'etat here in Shem Elohim. She's put a nasty piece of work in my guts and it's trying to establish itself as ruler in my place, but that depends on how willing I am to allow it to do so. These things are so ood. But Lynwen won't have met anyone like me before, I don't think, with my approach to these things, which has been built into me by decades of hard work and Bible study along with field experience under the direction of the Holy Spirit and the local prayers. Of course my failure be be affected in any way by these curses is a sign of Lynwen's impending judgement and fate, should she not repent from her witchcraft and turn to Jesus for forgiveness, deliverance and healing, and salvation (which term comprises all the rest).

I can be open now. For months I've been under advisement that this woman Lynwen was planning on marrying me. Things have been getting very intense this month, and we were on the brink of ceremonials, when it came out that Lynwen has been faking it all along and is actually a practising witch. As her mother says, "rumbled". Her plan was to marry me in community of property, and abandon me 6 months later with half my inheritance and my mother's spiritual knives and forks. Instead of which, we are having no wedding, there will be no marriage between believer and unbeliever, but if she wants, she can come and stay with me, if she wants a relationship with me. Because her mother's kicked her out, quite right too. Her friends have all abandoned her and I'm all she's got left. At first she mocked me but she's slowly realising her predicament.

She's busy cursing me and I'm busy soaking it all up. She has such a lovely surface personality, even her wicked side, and I still want to get to know her better, although she says she's lost all respect for me.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

She's had a taste of what I can do, and now she says she's in love with me. I should think it'll take until about ten o'clock this evening for her to become physically and emotionally and spiritually exhausted enough to stop all this nonsense and get real with me. She will want her mother to invite me over for luncheon, to 'see what I've been missing all these years'. She doesn't seem to understand: I love her unconditionally and want a relationship with her. Basically I want her by my side. She's my dream girl really.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Lynwen says she went to Scotland. She was most interested when I told her I had spent eight and a half years in Scotland. "I hate Scotland," she said. "Twisted, in Scotland." "Oh yeah," I answered, "big time. Old school." Pity we're not getting married any more because we were going to go to Paris. Good eating in Paris, especially on Wednesdays. They'll be pretty caricatured by now, but we have acres of sloane rangers ready to put their shields up and defend their men from knife attack.

Tonight, I wonder where Lynwen is going to be sleeping.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

She says the music won't judge her, but in fact it will. The power of music, its inner strength, is straight from the Whore. And this will expose her to the world and to herself from now on. I've had to go through this so I know precisely what it's like. It's horrendous. It's like the very texture of time itself has taken a personal dislike to you. It will continue for her for as long as it takes to bring her to repentance. It's mercy: this is a mercy. Judgement would be to leave her to her fate. But no, God loves her far too much for that. So he's giving her a second chance. At great personal risk to myself, we negotiated this this morning; I had to have an interview with Coen van Tonder himself, from whose charge sheet apparently I have removed all the charges, God knows how. Well, I haven't enjoyed the first 40 years of my life. She isn't going to enjoy the last 40 of hers. But the only way out is repentance. This is Psalm 149 in action. We should all be doing this, going up to the heavenly court buildings and sorting people out with God and the angels, dealing with equal facility with the powers of good and evil. Pioneer you see.

Now let them give me a good solid teaching job on the radio. I want some work to do.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

There. I took the new printer to the study and wired it up to the Study PC, having loaded the drivers first. Then I disconnected the existing printer from the PC and installed the Canon flatbed scanner in lieu of the all-in-one scanner. So now I've got duplex printing in the Study and scanning and fax and photocopying. Simple Scan works better with the Canon scanner than with the Samsung.

Excellent! I just have to adjust all the software settings for duplex printing, and I'm done. Excellent. I'm so glad to have installed the new printer in the Study, rather than in the Afternoon Room. The Acer was giving me problems anyway.

This all means I've got my USB hub back. All I've lost is one of my USB extension cables. Not a biggie.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

There we are. I've just printed out a copy each of all the township tracts I've done so far - all 16 of them. The one about peace as arbiter isn't very good, but the rest of them are AOK, and I'm pleased with them. I am carrying on writing these, as they arise, and when I've got enough, I'll make another book out of them, called Teaching in the Township. I'm trying to cover the basic doctrines of the faith, so that Teaching in the Township becomes a little manual of the Way. I've got to sit down at some stage and look at what I've done so far, and what I must still do. I ought to make a list of the basic teachings I should cover, so I don't miss any out.

Words Vol 2 is a charming little book. It's different from Vol. 1, and in a way, rather sweeter. I've finished sorting out the tracts and pages for Vol 2 into a directory and it's ready to burn to disks and take to Formsxpress and to Brian for quotes for 1,000 copies - but I can't do this until I've got it in Xhosa, because I want it printed in Xhosa and English simultaneously. Then I'll have to see about how to get it distributed.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Study is all nice now. Andrew bought a drill bit of the right size so that I could hang my degree certificates on the wall. That's excellent. Very pleased. Woman trying to tell me I'm damned. Well I dunno. But I do know that I've just had a run-in with a Satanist witch who couldn't be with me because I was a good man and she was evil. So Helen, who's damned? These bloody fundamentalists, they see everything in terms of either heavenly saved or damned to eternal perdition. It's so boring and banal. Are you damned, Helen? They why are you breathing out the threat under your breath? I'm waiting. No, don't try to embarrass me. You can't. What's the matter?


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Very good. She gave up smoking in an hour. Give me some work, and I'll have a reason to sort my life out. At the moment I'm sitting here with hardly anything to do, no-one wants my work except the township faithful, and so I have to do the eternity stuff, in the heavenlies, and go through all kinds of stuff, like I've just been through, heartbreak and toil, awful really, but I did grow and change through it. I can understand Ferdi now, for some reason. Father refuses to provide me with any help, preferring to make my life a series of object lessons in faithfulness to the watching world, and a rebuke to the watching church for their faithlessness.

Anyway I've got 16 tracts.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

You see I don't believe anyone chooses Hell. I think you go there by default for not choosing Jesus. van Tonder told me today, "I don't want peace". I simply don't believe him. I think he's mistaken in his mind. We all want peace and love and comfort. Anyway I wonder who's next to be weeded out of the CCFM stable. And those silly boys with Lynwen's title track. They're so hopeless they need me to sort them out, a blind, foolish heroin addicted holy man smoking 40 a day.

He came smoking Marlboro and you said He is damned.

He came smoking heroin and you said He has a demon.

He came smoking and chasing and teaching the Word of God in love.

We've just been given a look at an aspect of the work going on in heaven at the moment. Court buildings, justice, it's wonderful. Jesus is the Advocate of course, but we all have our own parts to play in this drama of legal justice. Courtroom drama.

And it all resulted in the rescue of a sad hopeless crying little 2 year old girl who never grew, a 2 year old in a 30 year old's body, hopeless, and we have ensured that Jesus has been able to give her back her life. She had been forgotten by her contemporaries, those so-called believers, and it took me to care enough to go and look up the files and ask permission to intervene.

Good. That's that done. Now the prayer warriors and pastors and healers can take over. Jesus saves. Thank God for Jesus.

Jesus is very proud of you apparently.

Now, back to earth. My main job is teaching the Bible. At the moment I am standing in some strange and hidden, unknown places, dark corners where the devil has been unopposed, standing as a witness to the Gospel and reading Scriptures out loud. You feel attacked in various ways. Shame tries to come upon you. Confusion tries to come upon you. That's why it is necessary to be very careful at times like these. I have read from Genesis and I have read from Philippians and I have stood against the enemy coming at me like a flood. I have read the word of faith and I have stood firm against the desire of the enemy to kill steal and destroy. It is hard to know here whether you are dealing with girls or demons; the demons sound like girls and the girls sound like demons. Indeed it's sooner it was over than it was over. As soon as the book had finished, it was returned to its place on the shelf ready for its next outing. We maintain our stand in the face of stiff opposition.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

I mean the work I'm doing this afternoon, invading enemy territory and standing in God's light there, and speaking the Word there, and standing against the lie of the enemy and standing against the shame of the enemy, this is all I have to do, is enter the territory and stand in God; and I am attracting all kinds of flak and attack for my stand, so it must be effective and powerful, like the Holy Spirit. I am standing and by my not being afraid of those opposed to me, this is a sign I am giving to them of their coming destruction, and of my coming salvation, and that of God.

This is a dangerous and difficult stand. But it must be completed to the end, because through it people are being encouraged and strengthened and helped. The local opposition is all female demons, very unpleasant. Remember she referred to Satan as "she".

Now I wish the powers that be, who tested me yesterday with the legal energy field, had a record of this and similar stands I've made over the years in the good fight; and that they could refer to the record of stands like these, which are much harder than the marriage test they give everyone, so as to know when to get heavy about "warning" and when not to.

It was during such an hour in a place like this, where Alison said South Africans don't laugh at themselves.

I'm listening to Sister Thelma on Sunday. Don't forget, don't party too much. Prayer is the most important conversation of your day.

Well I stand alone. Indeed I probably couldn't do work like this if I were tied down by the steely-silken bonds of wedlock. I don't know. I don't actually appear to suffer from being alone; it's the practical side of life I need help with, e.g. with moving the rubbish out on Sunday nights.

Blimey I hope they have a proper chimney in this building because it's odourless. And I am being gradually weighed down by the weight that is in the air. I should like to see what they are reading and throwing away right now. Because I should like to add to the stand with a contribution of my own. But even if they also serve who only stand and wait, then let my waiting serve God by standing before him and in him and waiting.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

I found a review of a book that calls Romanists "crypto-Jews" which has been my own understanding for many years. A Romanist preest wants nothing more than to be a Jew. But he cannot be, because he is none. So he turns to Babylon to make him into a fake Jew. Of course Abraham's children are real Jews. Rome is a power factory for manufacturing qelippot, modulating their output, fastening their position in the organismism.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

It seems there are two people occupying the same physical body. One is articulate and good company, the other is entirely insane. The one who presents to the world is half of the insane one. The articulate one is hidden but has a life of his own but I don't understand how that manifests. But I've chosen that the articulate one should now occupy the space where the mad one was. As to relationality between them, that is as complex as quantum mechanics. The whole phenomenon of who I am is as complex as quantum mechanics. I am going to wake up soon, and then I shall start having a life for the first time. I shall become... the same, but different. Sane, for one. But it's just another aspect of the same person. I never thought I was going to have a life. All I've ever done is suffer. I didn't even know about the other articulate one until earlier on. Now he's going to occupy my body. But he will be like a frightened child. It's all a bit messy. A third person is going to perform the manoeuvres which will effect the change. The demons protecting the system are asleep and instructions on dealing with them have been issued. Alison's here to look after me after I wake up. Apparently things are rather different from the way I have always been led to believe. My birth, for example. Ali says she's wanted me ever since she heard about my birth. It's all a bit... big, really.


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

But i would love to have been a fly on the window when Lynwen was discovered to be a satanic witch.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

Imagine being called "Your Grace" - in Kind Hearts, it seemed natural. WOuldn't do today though.


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think they've been programming me at home, using CCFM who have played mind control sounds at night. I wouldn't be surprised if CCFM weren't mind control handlers / programmers. And they're using power to programme; and they used L. to do intensive programming on me this month.


Post 17

woofti aka groovy gravy

These local church people don't show evidence of normal believing into the Way; they show signs of cultism. So there's probably "rings" involved. I can imagine Isaacs a sort of you know, Don Corleone figure, programmer etc. The whole recent scandal - it's all known about. Except someone said today, they only know half of what Lynwen's been up to.


Post 18

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dear Alison was writing on her blog about "male appreciation" which you only write about if you're not used to it. Lynwen said she would make me call her, so that she could enjoy ignoring me. It's not as simple as that. She pops up from time to time. I seem to have developed an extremely strange syndrome whereby Alison talks to a mature me whom I watch having adult conversations. Whereas I have all the negative stuff that's been piled on me. The idea is to send that negative one to sleep and bring the mature one to the fore, but it's gone pear-shaped. I appear to have lost 2 packets of fags.


Post 19

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've found them.


Post 20

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah I think CCFM is all about mind control. I mentioned rituals yesterday and someone said, "you don't remember the rituals", so clearly I'm being used in them. It was funny when Helga was trying to make me understand that they'd decided I wasn't suitable material to appear on their wavelength but all the while they were using a Satanic witch for the very young. Yeah don't give me anything about "love" being behind the Romanismic system. Because it isn't, it's power. Chthonic power: etheric power, earthly POWA.

I ought to write a tract on the Law, and what it feels like - the experience of living under the law. Because many many people seem to live like that. You feel they are ready to pounce on any and every little slip you make. And that is indeed how they behave. That's not grace. Anyone can be spiritual but you have to know Jesus to operate in grace. They try to mimic grace by twisting their output curve. This results in their reaction when you say something self-revealing. They bind you to it, rather than setting you free from yourself. Again, anyone can tie someone up; it takes skill to set someone free.

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