This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right. A busy day today.

Pay speeding fine.

Get computer for Sindi

Get photocopier/printer

Get Dongle seen to so it cuts out after 10 gigs.

All this, I intend to do in Strand / Somerset West.

I am exhausted with the desire to see her again.

Thinking of buying her some clothes in Paris, which is where she wants to go, so I hear.

Parisian Chic on a Cape Town girl.

We can go to the - what's that place where the artists hang out? Montmartre, that's it. Just think, I'll never have to be alone again. It's overwhelming, I can't even begin to encompass the concept with my mind. "We're evil" - well I was brought up by a witch, so just try it on, girl. She wants to go to Paris! We can go and see Dad. We can also go and see Dave. But I don't necessarily think we need to go and see the Axis of Evil. Personally, I wanted the night in the Kruger Park. Imagine if this was all a delusion, like the other times. I think I could die of disappointment.

Fear not, says the man on the radio. I warned you, says the desired one. It could all be a really cruel deception. All I know is I'm only just managing to keep my head above water. Life is becoming more and more difficult. I hardly ever go out. I never go to the supermarket because it's too difficult. If you want me to cut my hair, darling, you'll have to wait until you have authority over my body, which happens when we commit to each other in front of the minister. After that, it's a matter of negotiation. For instance, I can't see you asking for my permission if you wanted to put highlights in your hair. Come on, be honest darling. Yet it works both ways, according to the Bible. The husband has authority over his wife's body, and the wife has authority over her husband's. And we're going to live according to the Word of God, or we're not going to live at all. Run in such a way as to GET the prize, says she.

Then there's a bunch of work to be done in the bathroom and the spare room. Lots of work. I want a cork tile floor in the bathroom. The carpet in the guest room to come up and the floor treated. The cupboards out. The doorway blocked to the bathroom and a new door knocked through to the passage. The walls wallpapered. Kelims on the floor. A nice wooden wardrobe. Some form of curtain over the entrance to the Study. Perhaps a proper bed. Perhaps an electrician to put the light switch in a more sensible place. And a Power Shower, electric, to be installed in the bathroom.

That's a whole bunch of work and I'll have it done in the New Year.

Just been assailed by a horrendous word from the voice in Mitchell's Plain, one word. And another word from the radio. "Sorry, no."

O Lord, you're my portion. And they wonder why my heart is freezing over. The wyrm is tormenting me and the voice from Mitchell's Plain is tormenting me.

Oh, I can pay my traffic fine at the ATM or online. Excellent.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

There's a wonderful girl called Renate on the radio, playing the violin most beautifully. I'd love to have her play my Jewish Folksongs but I wouldn't know how to get in touch with her. And she's obviously very busy and I doubt she gives recitals and so on. Oh well. You see life goes on around me and I sit apart, alone, with the hand of God upon me, because he has filled me with indignation.

Alles rol om my om; dit is my wereld, my kamer, my siel, my lewe, my tevredenheid. This of course from a 28 year old girl telling God's 45 year old servant who gave his life away at the age of about five and from whom all good and happy left at the age of ten, a life poured out on the altar of God's love.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I forgot to get my dongle seen to but I'll do that locally. I've got to get back in the car in ten minutes and roll all the way back to Somerset West.

Tomorrow I go to Goodwood for 11; then the day after that, my new cc should arrive. Then I'll be in a position to buy my printer/copier.

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