This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept very well last night. Excellent. From about 7.45 until five to six. Lots of lovely sleep. But I'm a bit apprehensive at the moment because I've got to go and spend breakfast (not a meal I enjoy taking with others - in fact I don't like eating with other people, especially not in public) with Sean and Jon and all those guys. God I'm dreading it actually. Why? Because I'm a fool. And they're not very nice to a fool most of the time. They insist on your righteousness being better than the Pharisees and the Sadduccees but they won't let you relax and let the Spirit flow together with the Word so that the miracles happen.

I don't like being around people especially when they mock and take the piss and talk over my head. They did this last time. I'm considering taking 20 copies of Words in the township edition to hand out to the breakfast people - why not? it's a good book and would be nice to give presents to people, that's my giving nature; but of course it's bound to be the wrong thing simply because their way is the only way and they haven't got the faith to see what they can't see.

Well it's entirely up to me. I should love to bless the people with my book. And it would be good advertising for the book when it finally hits the shelves.

Yeah my God loves me.

I don't have a laugh like a Siberian hyena. When I am allowed to be myself and relax, I have a lovely laugh, or so I am told.

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