This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a beautiful day today. We are free! Oh, we are free. Wonderful. I've just endured a grilling from Barry and Helga until both of them went sour and hostile and they had to be shut up and sent home. Dead or alive, I-doan-no.

What is happening now on the radio? I wouldn't know. They're trying to do this and that to you. Oh, the removal of the graveclothes.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It all belongs to you, Lord. Precious Jesus, sweet of heart. We love you, we adore you, we praise you, we bless you, we grieve you, we cheer you, we relax you, we cause you anxiety, we relieve you, we are you, we are your Bride. We are your Bride for whom you come. Come soon, Lord Jesus. A one try and if you make a mistake you dead.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Jonathan makes a quip about matric students supposedly with reference to Words. Only a fool can write like that and get away with it because it's incredibly profound. "And even this is illusion..." I don't want to go back overseas.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

That's what comes of not talking to people, including them: they exclude themselves, thinking that's what's required of them. How were they to know I'm at the tail end of a five day moth binge with added H? I'm absolutely exhausted - today is the comedown day with xannies and aspirin. And they apparently wanted me to go yomping up the coast.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's very funny, it's just a pity I can't tell anyone. What's that? A joke I heard yesterday. Turner condemns: "pitiful". And he reckons I want to... I've got used to this stance: it would be nice if nice things actually happened

I've got the original hope unchanged, but it's having to deal with a whole pile of detritus accumulated from a five-night bender.

Yes that'll do for the mythos.

Talk about staring the abyss in the face challenging Death to blink first. What happens if you pass through? Nothing. haqqol havel.

I was SACKED. I did H because there wasn't anything else to do. Saboteur. Self-sabotage is the result of constant rejection and neglect.

Working on not caring has been quite a challenge.

Of course God can change this in an instant, but I can even stop that - frightening hey. Although I wouldn't stop God from moving on purpose. It would be because I happened to be doing something else at the time.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

You see they are at a slightly different frequency from reality. Just a slightly different frequency. And when you put two frequencies together that are slightly different, you get a beat note oscillating at the frequency of the difference between the two. You can hear this using a couple of sine wave generators. Anyway the beat note oscillates and its frequency tells us all about the nature of the slight deviation from the correct frequency of the one wave. I've been saying this since 2010 but no-one listened. What was that quote from Ecclesiastes? There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. No, that's not the quote! I mean the other one, silly. Now, the matter is being played out in my heart yet again. This time a wider audience is being introduced to the nature of Jesus' sacrifice. This is how affairs are played out in the heart of a man. At least, it's a fair approximation. Now, yesterday I was CONVINCED that F had found Christ. I was so sure of it, I kept expecting a joyful email. In the end, none came. I was confused and disappointed. One day, I thought, one day I will hear the voice of the Bridegroom in the heart of my friend. But not today. Yet there remains hope, an anchor for the soul. For what do we hope? The resurrection into the everlasting Glory of Eternal Life.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

What a mess. Helga and Barry round here this morning, in the psychic, doing some form of interview in the zone of Law. Eventually before she could harm me she was silenced by the Spirit, as was he. They left soon afterwards.

I refuse to undergo any more psychic communication. The end thereof is madness.

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