This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK it's another Friday.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK I had an awesome night but the morning has broken like an old plastic oil bottle, split around the bottom and all the oil has gone leaking out all over the floor. I read about John, whose ministry to the Lord was to stand by him as he suffered on the Cross.

Phil Hughes' vertebral artery erupted because of the cricket ball. This was the cause of death. How awful. Tim Noakes says it was a freak accident. Couldn't have been avoided.

Very depressing newscast from Caroline.

Can't decide whether it's Lynwen reading the Scriptures this morning or who it is.

Standing where? Beside the Lord. As he what? As he suffered. John, standing beside the Lord, while he suffered. John was very sensitive but by the end of his suffering, Jesus spoke to John from the Cross. He had nearly finished suffering or perhaps he had finished, and he said, Woman, look, your son. And he said to John, Look, your mother. And from that day John took Mary to be with him at his place.

O Lord, you spoke to John from the Cross.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I don't know whether the ability to distinguish the elementals is particularly useful; as Spike said, the gifts, are "mere baubles", which was one of the most encouraging things anyone has ever said to me. "Yes he is." He is Jesus, you see. It's To equip and empower Christians to be intentional about sharing our faith online. We have been "tasked" with sharing our faith online. I didn't remember when "task" was made into a verb. But anyway. I'm pretty tired out after a while. I am gradually telling someone that the earthly power dimension is not where Jesus operates or where his people operate. Is God's calling on me to "stay"? Because Jesus' commission is to "go!" Every single person listening to this has a sphere of influence. I wonder what my sphere of influence is. I suppose Sunday Sindi's kids are my sphere of influence at the moment.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've discovered this wonderful pianist Alexander Toradze. Toradze "è una persona di straordinaria umanità" according to someone on YouTube. I think he has an incredible sense of beat - he is the king of ironic rubato in the Prokofiev 1, he always speaks very clearly.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

No wonder I liked him: Wiki says this:

Toradze is also famous for his praying before he performs. When asked in a radio interview with renowned classical radio host, Bruce Duffie, about what advice he could give to aspiring concert pianists, Toradze replied, "…Don't forget to pray to God before each performance and don't forget to give your soul enough air. Believe in the right purpose of art and believe in being human".


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went out fully exposed to the electromagnetic meat market made of vibes and voices and forces. Bad people trying to mess up my life. Why? They will not succeed because I belong to Jesus and he is Lord and they are subject to his Lordship which is eternal and comes out of the left, right, upside down, downside up, inner, outer, vertical, horizontal and trigonometrical fields simultaneously. Completely confounding them who work in time. Jesus is so Lord it is kickin'. My girl this morning wanted to know whether I was actually damned. When she realises I'm not, and that I can handle everything she can do, then she will blow a gasket and hopefully that will be that because I cannot allow myself to be put through any more public humiliation just because someone wants it to satisfy themselves, they must go to either God or their god and get the Akashic record and look it up for themselves what I've had to go through to get this far. I can't be made to endanger myself any further, it would be inhumanly unmerciful.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got the telly on. There's a movie about Tomas Hankezs and some English bint on the telly.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Satan to Woofti: I have a personal vendetta against you. I will persecute you.

Woofti: And if you overstep the mark by just a little bit, you will have Jesus to deal with.

You play by the rules or you don't play at all.

God has defeated Satan in a fair fight. And of course the light shines on in the darkness; and the darkness didn't put it out.

They say all sorts of things about my future. They say all sorts of things. But I think I'm going to be back in academia. L must come with me to do my PhD. Perhaps she can do the BD at the same time. Or possibly a music degree. That would be good if we were both studying. I don't really want to go all the way back to Scotland but if we have to, we have to. And alone, it's totally different. I would want to do a doc with Swinton. I must seek God about all this. I expect everyone else already knows.

F het koeler geword want ek wys vir haar dat sy nie in die koningryk van God wandel nie, maar in die duisternis. Sy moet weergebore word. En ek sal 'n afrikaanssprekende vrou he! Yay!

Ek wil he my kinders moet suid-afrikaans wees en die drie kaapse tale van klein af praat soos moedertale. Ons sal 'n Xhosa-creche vind vir die kinders. L sal Afrikaans praat vir hulle en ek Engels. Ja, my Vader het vir my 'n wondervulle lewe voorbereid. Ek is so excited.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I had what I believe to be a prophetic word this evening. Sent to D for weighing. It's up on Facebook. Sudden clarity after a terribly difficult few days.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh yeah, I worked out with Francesca that not answering the telephone when I'm having a bad day, is the answer.

I guess I have sold out to my principles because I'm ready to settle down now and stop suffering and stop the pain and torment. But those things are out of my control. It's all very well sitting here in bliss at 3am and thinking how comfortable I am feeling, apart from the Worm of course, when in the daytime I scurry about in fear that someone who is supposed to love me is going to hurt me. That happens with Theo. And of course it happened with my family.

But never mind.

"Not bad at all" is the verdict. Just getting my mind around what amazing creatures women are. When they're balanced with men, of course. On their own they quickly sell out to spirits and then they're just a bore.

We're not beasts and we're not angels; we're human beings. And Genesis 3. So there's a problem there.

But anyway. Not bad at all. That's nice.

I think Helga said the worm is going to disappear when I sleep with my spousal personage.

Another one was telling me that when they're not taking the piss they love us very much. I asked her what does that mean. She said they care for us, they like us, they like being with us, buying clothes for us, that sort of thing. I feel very sorry for F who never had the faith to wait, but knew she had to wait.

And ended up waiting in vain. Well God did send her B; but whether they will be sensible or not remains to be seen.

Very moving photo of Britten embracing Vishnevskaya with Rostropovich looking on and Peter with an expression of tragic caring looking on.

There was quite a bit of criticism of Britten's scores from the 60s but the Blake settings are marvellous as is Curlew River. So I don't know, I just think people didn't like that stuff so much; not that it wasn't good music, because it was, it was late middle or early late Britten. 60s Britten.

Cello Symphony got to be one of the greatest works he ever produced.

Drama Queen apparently. I sent Odile a couple of texts and she thought I was coming on to her. She has to get over herself a bit I think. I talk to everyone like that. Certainly younger girls than me. They're all sweetheart and darling and dol. There are quite a lot of younger girls than me now.

They all seem to think I'm going to be . Which is interesting, because Marie said the same when I was in Aberdeen.

What shall I do though? Mental health again? Wouldn't that be a bit dangerous? What about something normal here in SA. Something OT with Hebrew or something. But then I'd have to learn all the other Semitic languages. Something abstract perhaps. On personalism.

I've just written a tract on the Beauty of Faithfulness.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

You mustn't forget she's insanely envious of you.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

And you've proved you know all about Romanism and how it stinks of shit and evil. So she's pissed off now. Because she knows I know she's talking absolute shit.

You've become a man and a lot of your old friends relied on your being a nothing.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

All I didn't go into was their use of children in Rome, and their alliance with the mind control, and Opus Dei, and the fact that they hate the Jews because they want to be like the jews, but they can't, so they had to go to satan for help in being like them, but satan isn't good enough to make proper jews, only God can do that. So they hate the Jews because the jews KNOW what Rome is. As does every child of Abraham. They're just not ... you know.


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

If these fakes knew the extent and nature of the powers and vision that true Christians have, they'd never DARE approach us with their rubbish. Like they never dared to in the beginning. I'm wondering when to tell her that everything she says about her religious life bespeaks a basic absence of God in her life. And if the elements were objectively effective then she would be much much more mature in the faith than she is now. And I would tell her that the majority of Roman priests I've known have basically been magicians. And I'll tell her I was brought up by a witch and I know magicians and I know all about the occult - PLUS I can DISCERN the nature of a word on the page in an email, whether it's from God or the flesh or the devil or a demon or whatever, I can tell its nature, because I've got these gifts, and I can tell her I can tell immediately whether someone's just convincing themselves in their mind that they are a believer and relying on vibing and wobbling everyone into fear when they don't believe her, and when someone is a true believer. Because we're a big family and I don't recognise her.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

When God is using you and you speak the truth to people, they get the hump. My mother is terrified of me when I'm in the Spirit. I got vision to tell H the truth about her condition and apparently she believes me. So I wish she'd say OK let's talk, because I need to pray for her and feel the impact of her entire body-soul but as long as she hides herself she won't heal from what happened to her.

Well pluck out the eye etc.

I need to meet up with her and help her with some proper ministry, now I'm a lot freer than I was.

I felt her blush of embarrassment and how she tried to use it to close me down by fear but those Aberdeen tricks dont work on me no more.

Eat your shame, woman.


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

And we have Victory this night.

Yet we carry on. Until the whole shalomic Peace of God reigns in her body, mind, soul and heart.

There. All done. Well, everything we can do at the moment.

I love giving my life for people. It becomes a habit after a while.

God showed me Tetelestai the other day. Twice in three verses, if I'm not mistaken. In which way he showed me that I need not stand by my Lord suffering all my life long, but Jesus finishes his work and goes off to the next thing while John takes Mary to his home.


Post 17

woofti aka groovy gravy

Then Mary runs off with the Roman soldier who took Jesus' cloke.

Anyway, that's that done and dusted. Praise God. Are they going to ask me to design the Religious Education syllabus? It will be a thorough training in the core teachings of the Bible, and I shall write the textbook.

Anyway. So.

Well that was that. Dear Helga. I do love her. She doesn't want to be my friend though. Perhaps she will when she's become a grandmother.


Post 18

woofti aka groovy gravy

I need to write something on Love Believes All.

Always believing "all"

"All" is in God, in whom there is no darkness or shadow of turning.

"All" is light, ultimately. Ultimately, God is All in All.

So we are to believe the best of people, the best of situations, the best of things. The best of possibilities. Not what seems common sense, or rational, but the best of what God can do, which is anything.

We are to believe that Jesus is Lord and that "all things work out" and that "what the enemy intended".

We are to believe the enemy is defeated.

Then there are all the promises of God to be believed.

So when this Scripture is fulfilled in our hearts and minds, we shall begin to think and speak and act like believers.


Post 19

woofti aka groovy gravy

I know someone who is such a smug married it's unbelievable. Twice married, and smug with it, but a believer. It would take a lot to balance that equation.


Post 20

woofti aka groovy gravy

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