This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

L really must learn not to start on me as soon as I wake up. I need at least an hour to get my head into gear to deal with that sort of thing properly. Otherwise, tears will result. I need a coffee and a couple of cigs and some alone time before I can deal with disembodied voices which may or may not belong to the one I hope to marry.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am so blessed. My mind is working on all cylinders and running on hi-octane fuel. I love my work. If only God would give me the opportunity to do it on a more regular, formalised basis. Helga gave me a taste. I love it so much. I feel it is what I was put here to do. L has a subtle mind and I would so, so love to share with her what I have, treasures old and new, brought out of my storehouse.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept. We had a power cut. Back on now.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Our Father doesn't allow anything to happen to his children that he cannot turn into a blessing. This includes Hungarian girls at Scottish universities. Oh Lord, and all because I am so lonely. I've had two encounters with women that have changed me quite deeply and both were because I was desperate for company. He could have made my life so different, but he didn't, so we must assume he has allowed me to have this life for a reason.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Deina akouw pany en aetheri; ouk oid' ei alethes estin e ouk. Fwne gynaikos tinos ephe hoti pantwn fwnen akouw philountwn me agapei pyros. Legei he gyne dein eme philein e ton Iesoun e ten makhinan. Legei fwne tis alle hoti fwne prwte he tou Satana estin. Ouk oid' egwge, tosauta ei tykhoi gene fwnwn eisin en kosmwi.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Poor H, she thinks she is hurt, but God will bring her through, because he loves her so much. He only puts those of his children whom he really really loves, through such severe testings, and I so hope and pray that my dear, dear H will see this and understand that it's only because he loves her so very, very much that he has allowed her to pass through this time of trial. When you think of what some believers have had to go through. And if she is to have much influence in the church, which she is naturally fit to have, then she must pass through suffering, unusual suffering, we all have to, those of us whom God wants to really use, as opposed to just making the right sounds and the right words in the right order. You cannot minister to suffering people until you yourself have suffered; and by your own admission you had never suffered greatly in your life. So now you are passing through a little bit of what the great ones have had to pass through, to make your testimony powerful and effective. Darling one, you are so beloved, and you are SO safe in God's hands. He gave me the privilege of ministering to you that which will save you. Bring out that which is within you, and it will save you; keep it in, and it will destroy you. Call on him for wisdom and help. What he has started he is faithful to complete, and that right soon, just let him work, co-operate with him, do not resist him, do not fear the death in your own soul, rather embrace it, because Jesus has taken the sting out of it. Be thou glorified, O Lord, in H's life. My darling, once you have passed through this firey trial I will lend you books which will show you that those closest to God have all had to pass through times like this. God bless you my dear heart.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got the network working again so I'm using it to copy some files... but it's painfully slow because it's using wifi via an extender. But I don't want to switch to the wired ethernet because that would interrupt a download I'm doing which is quite long and involved. Anyway I'm glad to have got the network working again.

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