This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's early Friday morning and today is the day I drive to Canal Walk in order to look for the parts I need to make my dashcam work better.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

That's the last time I go to Canal Walk without a map and a compass. It's so enormous I managed to get lost and I only went to 2 shops. I managed to find what I wanted but it cost far too much. Now I've got to drill a hole in the plastic case. Tyger Valley is about my limit. Somerset Mall is ideal. Cavendish is OK but too many larney clothes shops and not enough bloke stuff. I signally failed to get the shredder I wanted and the microphone I was looking for; perhaps I'll get those at Cavendish.

Well I listened to Death With Friends this morning without being mauled or attacked or stabbed or looked at to death, which was nice.

But I'm still hearing voices so I'm trying to accelerate my anti-psychotics and filling up with xannies. Cannot cope with hearing these bloody voices. Last time I listened to them I got badly hurt.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got a mike I can possibly adapt. In the meantime I went out in my winter trousers and got far too hot so that's the last time I go out in any winter clobber. Summer gear from here on in - Lycra/Cotton black skinnies and converses, and a T-shirt. And a hat. And shades.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

And yes, I'm showing her who's boss. She doesn't get me to walk down town with my trousers stained and smelling of cum just for her girlish amusement. I've had the piss taken out of me ALL MY LIFE so any retribution really, she must try it on someone else.

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