This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone threatened me with the - look, you know who you are. Email me with your cell number and address and I will visit. I don't play stupid games.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Do you want me to explain what I am teaching you? It is a lesson that most of the people at the station need to learn, indeed, most of the Evangelical Christians, if not most Protestants. This disembodied voice thing is out of order not because I'm tired of hearing voices (although I am), nor because - OK, it's because of the principle of Incarnation. I'll be explaining a lot about that in time to come. But for the moment, we need to exercise faith. Love is not love unless it is put into practice, unless it manifests in action. It is the same principle as James 2:14-17.

I am interested in this girl. I wrote to her. She wrote back: If you write to me again I WILL take legal action. Previously I had asked her to friend me on Facebook, which she did. I posted on her wall whereupon she immediately blocked me. Now, she "appears" to me as a disembodied voice and expects me to go to CCFM and get her cell number and address from the receptionist and go to her place and visit her. The flaws in this scenario are evident. I shall enumerate them in a bit.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

A power tool going off in the block. I've got a headache. And Jesus is Lord. Everything's going to be all right.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Was forced into a psychic conference with Barry and Helga about goodness knows what, on the same frequency as that on which I am attacked. It was terribly upsetting. In the end I fell asleep. Now it's evening time and everything is peaceful again.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I believe God can help my brothers and sisters to come out of the black-and-white seeing of sight, into the darkness of faith, where everything can be seen as it really is. They need to learn to see by faith, and they need to learn the theology of good and evil. I have to teach my helpers some basic theology before they can stand with me. Thankfully I understand fully what the situation is and how to remedy it - God has already prepared me for this - all that needs to happen now is for these people to be faithful and obedient and prepared to strike out and do something new and different from the what they have always done.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I want Helga to do it again: to open the door for me and give me the opportunity to work. I want Helga to have the honour of opening up the way for me to walk in and for God to move. Because I love Helga and I want her to have this honour. So give her the faith she needs, Father. Like real soon.

People are just in a holding pattern at the moment. God want them to stop going round in circles and to start flying forwards again. This can't happen until the right people see the vision and receive the faith to act and facilitate God's pioneer's ministry. I don't want to have been through all this just to fail because God can't find anyone with the faith to let him work.

But I have faith in Helga. She helped me the first time, and she will help me the second. Let everyone play their part in what's about to happen. Amen.

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