This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

A nice day.

Feeling OK.

Nothing to report.

Big wave to darling AM who reads this. Hello Darling! xxx

Waiting for L to renounce Satan and give herself to God. She has behaved like a whore to me and I am going to put her through the Woofti Testing which no-one comes out from alive. She has to realise I'm not an ordinary bloke and she can't disrespect me and pull the wool over my eyes, and if she tries I become a TOTAL BASTARD. The Destroyer of Chatham.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently L has to go through another dealing, and when she comes through that she will be fit to walk with me.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Done lurking but not done bitching... well, I'm 45, and past the normal age for getting hitched. The principal problem is that I know what they're like. She's going to have to go through another major dealing from God to fit her for what lies ahead. So, apparently, am I. Because as things stand she behaves in private like a devil-worshipping bitch. In public it's all smooth and nice and Godly, but I'm not interested in the masks people wear.

Sent Mister Wolf a pretty hard text this morning. Faithful are the words of a friend. T whinged like a woman at something I am alleged to have said the other day. He is lying about his place of work apparently. So liar, thief, deceiver. Enemy agent. Again, I have to age advantage, which is helping me for the second time. Just have to go to Coetze for more meds. I can't withdraw on my own unmedicated. It's too difficult.

I suppose I say to people, if you can't handle me, walk away... which is exactly what La van N has done. I suppose the mature ones keep away from the Internet.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sorry that should be faithful are the wounds of a friend. Got a girlie text from T the other night, beneath contempt, I told him Faithful are the wounds of a friend, followed up with Do you know where my headphones are? Unfortunately it's a matter of the Ark in the Philistine camp. It will bring him nothing but blessing, but the blessing of God is hellish torment for a child of darkness. But hey, he wants me to think he's a child of God, I'll treat him like one. So my headphones will be nothing but a blessing for him. Bless him real good every time he puts them on, Father. Bless him real, real good.

I found out which church he goes to but it's one of those enemy ones and he has been lying about his place of work. He isn't a teacher at all but works in a hospital. So he's no good for distributing my tracts anyway and I'm glad I didn't give him a bunch of my new ones to distribute as he'd probably throw them away. So I've got to find a new person for my distribution network. If I can afford it I can pay a nominal emolument for the work of distribution. But first I need to find a real one. "The love of many will grow cold..." we are getting thinner and thinner on the ground. Those of us who remain needs strengthening. I am blazing the way forward through the jungle of the world with my panga and flamethrower, opening the way for others to follow. It's lonely work! I have no-one to help me. And I need help... just in running my household for me so I can get on with research and writing without having to worry about practical stuff. But I am very clear I don't want kids. Imagine the expense! Medical bills, school fees, extramural activities, music, football, a load of stuff I'll be expected to take an interest in. Children are a comfort from the Lord. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of kids. I'm good with children, I like them. But I don't want the responsibility of having actual children of my own. And at this rate it looks like I won't be given the opportunity to have any. I've had enough of being deceived as regards women.

Andrew was busy today but he says he'll "pester" Marcus as to my book tomorrow. It's been a big joke and it's getting beyond a joke. I'm getting rapidly sick of bananas and fruit cake and nuts. Sick of standing out in the cold in front of the door, waiting for someone to open it and welcome me in. But people see in me what they have in themselves, and it looks like most people see me in my bad aspect because of what they are. However there are some faithful children on the radio. And they bring such tremendous blessing to my heart. I missed Sister Thelma yesterday. Went to bed instead. All I get is lies and nonsense from the voices of the hearts of the people in my neighbourhood. "I hate you," is the common chorus. And if I marry I want someone who says from the very bottom of her heart, "I love you". Tough ask. But God is a God of miracles and if he can make me a good woman, then I will be ultragrateful.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm going to deliver Sethu's dirty laundry to Sethu's place. Looks like Sethu has got a job. But she's taken out a loan with a loan shark and probably expects me to cover it. Well no can do, unfortunately. Shame. Never mind. She's got wealthy relatives but she's too ashamed to ask them. Time to get over herself and risk people finding out the truth about her. Tchah, that will never do for a satanic betch. I notice I got a text message from the Devil worshipping T but I'm not going to open it. Not interested in the rubbish that spills out of the heart of satan's children.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a question of maintaining a dignified silence while the Holy Spirit works and they find themselves having a very uncomfortable time of things indeed. Henry says he's fed up with being a scapegoat. Which is bellshot because he is the liar, thief and adulterer. This is like three of the Big Ten and he expects to get away with it scot free? Well he's associated with a child of God, by choice, and abused me and lied to me and stolen from me. And he's committed serial adultery against his wife, and other things, and wonders why she's left him. And perhaps the Holy Spirit is now working on him to convict him as regards his sin. It would be lovely if he turned and believed and got born again. That would be so good. I'd not only regain a friend but I'd gain a brother. We could go into business together with Word First. He could use his many contacts to get my stuff out there. Wouldn't that be nice, Father. Wouldn't that be so wonderful. He would also get his wife back and his child. And God would give him a job and he, being newly honest, would keep it, and he'd get a company car and all sorts. It would be wonderful. I can feel the Holy Spirit all over me as I write this. May it happen, Lord. May he be the first in his family to stop perpetuating the curse and being blessing onto the name of M. That would be superdoubleplusgood.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

T pretends to be a child of God while batting for the other side. So let him receive the dealing of God as if he were God's child. And he lied to me about his place of work. Now he's worried about a girl situation. Well let him receive "wisdom" from his god. Let him learn -- I mean your ordinary common or garden satanist, that's one thing, but one who pretends to be a child of God, that's quite another. And who deceives his way into my home and steals from me. That's another thing altogether. Confuse him, Father, confound his plans for evil against me. Block his path this way and that, make him walk in the paths which he professes to tread.

Meanwhile I tell W some home truths about her sister and she deflects. I really have had enough. If I get really too fed up with things there's always Spain.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

No tongue formed against me shall prosper. The battle is not mine, but the Lord's. As with Gideon in the old days, Lord, throw the enemy camp into confusion and let them kill each other instead of us and leave us to plunder their fiefdom and win souls for Christ. Arise, Lord, arise in power and strength and might; show yourself strong on behalf of your children who rely on you. Confound the enemies of your people with confusion, blind them, confound their plans and cover them with confusion and the shame and fear of their master. Let them fall in their thousands as we stand in the face of their attack. Amen.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am having an ongoing situation and I can't write about it here. Praise God that his victory is complete.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well perhaps Destroyer of Chatham was a bit much, but I don't enjoy being disrespected and underestimated. We've got a case of that happening at the moment. Serious underestimation based on ignorance of some significant facts. I've got a book coming out this week and someone is furious about the blessing God is going to give to many who read it; and he has sent an agent to discredit me and drag my name through the mud. I have received a series of texts designed to upset me; I haven't read them, because I live alone and there's no-one to put their arms around me and kiss me and tell me not to worry. I have to go to God for that, and always have done.

Ironically the closer I get to God, the more friends I lose. Even amongst Christians. Even X couldn't resist a little dig at me earlier on. God is showing himself strong on my behalf, and he may be called upon to do so again. He will protect his child who was made a fool to the world and the youngest in the Kingdom, because only the young and the foolish can God use greatly. The thing I have to decide is whether to get affidavits or have people come in person to be cross-questioned and to give their testimony. There are those who would lie to get me into trouble. I am not mentioning any names. But they are young, and female. It means that I cannot bring them up, even though I went out with one of them last summer. She is crazy and wicked and I couldn't rely on her to be truthful in the witness box. Similarly I am bad friends with H at the moment, because of the third theft of my property. He was probably astonished that I didn't just roll over and take it; but the constant mockeries and disrespectings and thefts, no, I'd had enough and now he is complaining of being made a scapegoat. I hardly think so; you can't break three of the Ten without expecting some come-back, and better in this life than in the Next, where there is no opportunity for change.

I've got to go and see Dr Coetze again for more Sub. I tried to jack it in but without success. I need medical help. But I hope I shall be so busy with organising the book and so on, in the next while, that that will keep my mind on things and I shall be able to cope without my habitual crutch.

It's sad that I am left vulnerable to situations like this and the infiltration of enemy agents, when the one who is supposed to be by my side is, well I don't know what she's doing, but i suppose I've got to go through certain trials alone for reasons of God. I've got a constant commentary on my thoughts from the surrounding neighbourhood; one of them told me they'd go away once they'd fulfilled their purpose. In a way I shall miss them, although they are purely malicious and so on. Most of the time anyway.

Well, let's see if I am taken to court. If I am, I have Michael to advise me and I hope that Elsje will provide a testimony, but there are many others who might be persuaded to testify for me. I think written affidavits is probably the way to go.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

He was also trying to get me to say misogynistic things, spent a whole hour or so trying that. Anyway I am saying no more because it might provide information for the opposition.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

It is a pity I can't have my township tour with commentary now. Obviously he's not darkening my doors again, either of Wilfie or of Shem Elohim. I don't entertain known enemy agents for fun. He wants money, that's the thing. Well, God is my defender. Show yourself strong on my behalf, Father.

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