This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 21

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think she's got tired and may even have buggered off, leaving a little tape recorder to say the odd word now and then. Oh well, that was weird. To say the least.


Post 22

woofti aka groovy gravy

Came under direct assault from the enemy at nine o'clock this morning, it went on until about 1pm. Then 2 ppl, one either side of me, took turns firing the curses into action. I was thrown into confusion and it might have been a suicide job had I not realised I was under attack, notified a prayer partner and stood for 2 hours solid resisting the attack. Now I am feeling exhausted, bruised and battered. The enemy agent who assaulted me this morning took the form of M. Her actions vis a vis me have been consistent with such an identity.

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