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Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

On the other hand he can be a ... well let's just say this, what we see in others is a reflection of ourselves. So for example, I was having a go at someone for a lack of faith yesterday, and got into a discussion about it with the Trinity only to find that I actually suffer from the same problem.

So push the button and out comes a stream of accusations.

He's really got to try to allow the revelation of grace to rewire the way he thinks.

Envy is unpleasant. For both the envier and the enviee. I used to have a terrible problem with it. God delivered me from it, thanks to his holy Name.

So am I the stench of death, or the savour of heaven?

Every time we open our mouth we reveal ourselves.

So this astonishing stream of accusation reveals his heart - because the mouth is the overflow pipe of the heart. Making assumptions about people and using himself as the yardstick by which he assesses them. Emptiness.

Empty. Mr Empty.

Whom does he send empty away?

And he says he fears the Christian operating in the flesh.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away.

It's like dealing with my brother again. Or that chap at school.

I still don't know what the situation is but I've got a fair idea and it just remains to be seen how the truth relates to events. I wasn't expecting this at all. But it seems likely that there is some unmasking to be done, and that quite soon. Of course I've done my bit now. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall but I'm not even a listener any more. I can't listen to a child and a person of indeterminate status making mock. Jeszcze glowa obraca sie. That's the latest headline. Gosh, but life's busy at the moment.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's been a quiet day. I had fried eggs on toast for breakfast.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Stop filling your head with science - to fill your heart with love is enough. (Richard Feynman)


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

You see the thing about wolves is that their sheep's clothing doesn't disguise their wolfish hearts, which spill out of their mouths with every word they utter. But a wolf can use the same words as a saint, which confuses even good people. You have to provoke him to make him forget to dissemble and let it all hang out. Last time Barry acted immediately. This time? Let's see. Because at the moment the enemy is pouring poison with the full permission of those in charge.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

The wolf had a go for swearing. Well, everyone likes a feck. Even the Poap likes a feck, secretly. Then we got this horrendous prim, self-righteous lecture about swearing. The stench of flies and rotting meat. No-one can see the Kingdom unless they be born again, y'hear? No-one. Not one. Not one is righteous, no, not one, no-one can see the Kingdom unless they are born again of water and of the Spirit.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's strange that a man with such a good sense of humour can be so basically humourless and so signally lacking in insight. There's only one explanation of course, which it would be indelicate to outline. Well I suppose I'm assessing him by the standards of the Kingdom, which is a fundamental category mistake. He has no business anywhere in Jesus things, being completely irrelevant to them, and it's impossible to speak rationally of him because he doesn't belong in the universe to which I belong. It's a totally anomalous situation, in all sorts of different ways.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

A guffawing child and a wolf - my God your church is in a state these days, reflected by the state of the station, with Joyce Bloody Meyer screeching and squawking every noontide adding insult to injury. You just can't get the staff any more. Meanwhile darling L has disappeared off the airwaves. She's real, she's one of us. As someone said earlier on, it's an absolute mess.

The problem is also with the nature of this brand of the faith. Its structure is fundamentally unsound and it would take more than tinkering with, basically they all need to start attending proper services and stop reading the trash they all seem to read, and get their minds properly renewed. The whole business is a sorry one; the physical manifestation of the Body is diseased and out of joint and just a mess.

We are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our minds and with all our bodies. But this isn't how the faith is taught; this isn't the vision of the teachers of the faith with this lot. I actually shudder when I think of their vision of - oh, of lots of things, how things in heaven and things on earth relate to each other for example, they don't have any adequate vision of this complex of realities. If I didn't love the Lord I would have given up long, long ago on my desire to participate in these things. What a hiding to nothing. Thank God God is.

Well my assessment of today's revelations should be clear enough by now. I gave someone a piece of rope and he hanged himself with it live on air to an audience of ten thousand. Not an edifying spectacle; and what bothers me most now is that I don't have anything to listen to in the mornings any more.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

My first ever reaction to this individual was to ignore. And it seems that was right. (C'est normal.) One generally ignores what doesn't exist. Of course you leave the tares to grow with the wheat and they are gathered together and burnt at the harvest, which is the judgement. These little fundamental truths I sometimes lose sight of in the hurly-burly. We are so provisional as a manifestation of Jesus' wife. The righteous, indeed, are scarcely saved. The enormities of reality and of truth stagger the mind. And I mean enormity in its correct meaning.

When I got to Aberdeen the first work I did was on the nature of propositions. When someone says "I am", what is actually happening? When someone says "you are", what is he saying? When he refers to someone else, saying "he is", what is going on? And that work is SO fundamental to everything else. Its conclusions and implications underpin everything. There's one proposition, however, that I would love to be able to make soon. Actually it's more in the line of a proposal than a proposition. Not a research proposal, but a marriage proposal. But I have absolutely no idea at all how, or even if my God is going to activate that dimension of life for me. I need to participate in community but I don't participate in anything in these space-time dimensions. All my participation in the Bride takes place in the spiritual dimensions, that I'm aware of anyway. I tend to undervalue the 4-D world in which we live. So interested in eternity I haven't got any time for or interest in this life. Well all my participation in this life happens through the written word. Writing is the only activity I understand and can interact with the world through. Life is but the briefest moment, and it's over in a flash; it's almost too much for me to get my head around, and it's frightening, or it would be, had Jesus not told us not to worry and not to fear. I suppose the answer is just to keep on reading and keep on writing, until everyone's had enough and I go to be with Jesus. I can barely conceive of marriage or family. These things remain in the realms of fairy stories. God must undertake. The Great Undertaker. No, that's not right.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

My fundamental insight has to do with the relationship between words and reality. it is on the nature of propositions, more precisely, the propositions "I am", "you are", and "he is". Yes that's right. And I have long since formulated the foundations of my thoughts on that. It was the first thing I did at Aberdeen. And I should very much like to pursue precisely this insight further, because I think it's fundamental to theology and to life.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have just watched the most stunning television I think I've ever seen. 4x6 of The Thick Of It. Iannucci at his excruciating best. Both funny and unbearable. That man - I don't know, how do you get to be so clever in such a dark way as that. I need to see Seasons 1-3 now. And I'll be ordering the DVDs very soon. That's my policy when it comes to high class television.

Everything has been very intense lately. It's like God is up to something. They kept saying he is on the radio. Maybe they were right. Deinws de me chre auten binein. That was the most intense television. Everything is so thick at the moment. It's like God has opened the door of heaven and the reality is leaking through to earth. The air is filled with knowledge and Time with wisdom.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

There was an exquisitely made televised lecture from the 60s by Richard Feynman. I noticed right at the start the extremely high quality of the production. And right at the end, after I had noticed several times how beautiful was the artistry of the production, I saw that it had been a BBC production.

Two people are sitting in a room near to each other, a man and a woman, and they are both thoroughly enjoying each other's presence.

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