This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Having been hurt once today, I reported it on a thread in ML only to find some embittered old cow having a go at me herself, and hurting me again. It has quite taken my breath away; I suppose I do it to others, even though I know I shouldn't. Oh well. I've tried asking him to heal me so many times, and I've just lost hope that he will ever do it this side of the River.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Two are better than one, for if one should fall, who will help him up? Your words, Lord, your words. YOUR WORDS.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

it might be my imagination but people are being very bitchy today. So I'm giving ML a wide berth until everyone's settled down again.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I'm tired out. But it's still light and I don't want to go to bed while it's still light. It's annoying, I'm running out of smokes and I'm so tired I don't really want to go out. But I'll have to if I want more smokes. Oh dear.

Anyway I met this girl today, she's a leatherworker, and a very talented one at that. Surprisingly, she didn't offer to take me to court when I tried to communicate with her. I say surprisingly but also encouragingly, I think. At least, I find it encouraging that she didn't mention the law or the police when I spoke with her. Both L and S have threatened me with the law lately and I'm just too old to mess around with this sort of nonsense. I need a woman, rather than a girl.

Anyway. So. I might just take a couple of tranqx and some Ricard and hit the sack and hope for oblivion until tomorrow morning.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yup I'm not going anywhere tonight. Except, that is, to bed. I've had enough of today. And it's Friday already. Only the other day I was thinking that it was Tuesday already, and now it's the weekend. Another weekend alone talking to no-one but myself and the Lord. Oh I suppose there's church on Sunday. To be honest I'm not terribly enthusiastic about that but it's the one thing I know the Lord wants me to do, is go to church, so I'd better make the effort. Although I heard, years ago it seems, that the Lord was fed up with waiting for me to go to church. Perhaps he's passed me by. What a desolating thought. Oh dear, I think I'd better go to bed. Thinking is just getting me down. I suppose it is Hallowe'en. God save us, Lord have mercy on us.

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