This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

A day of wonderful techie success. I've got the telly in the lounge playing through the power amp in there so I've got that lovely warm valve sound whenever I want to watch telly (which is once in a blue moon).

The projector people phoned yesterday promising an ETA on the replacement for my projector.

This means I'll be able to watch stuff on the big screen again - my one-man cinema.

The tech in my flat just gets better and better. There's nothing much to steal because it's all discrete units and any robber trying to put it all together again, wouldn't be able to do it. It takes a certain amount of savvy. But I pride myself on having some of the best audio tech in Cape Town.

I love electronics; I love languages; I love theology.

I hope they give me something to do at the radio station when I'm clean. I need to teach like a man needs water to drink.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu invited me out so I could pay for her dinner and drinks, as well as Nana's. I let them eat and have a bit to drink, then got the bill and buggered off. I wasn't in the mood to go out and I shouldn't really have gone. Oh that the Lord would bring me my woman soon. I am so in need of help to cope in this life. I've been alone all my life and it's wearing me down. I get my happiness from languages, dictionaries, grammar books, tinkering with my computers and tinkering with my other electronics (home made amplifiers etc). Everything else just leaves me cold. God has turned me into a very peculiar person. And very, very lonely.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

"This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you" - makes me weep and sob every time I heard the lyric.

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