This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's a Qlippothic day of God today. yom qelipah, yom qelipot, in other words. Acting strong. Tiring. Because they can't accommodate death or a living death rather.

Ja, a living death, hey. Weird or what. It's a funny old time out there today. Everyone is very strong and strange. The Tale of the Reanimated Dead.

Phumezo is bringing the Beetle round and I have to have a bath and hie me to the Beetle place in Claremont and give Henry directions for how to get there.

Glorious unfolding.

Don't be ashamed to wear your crown.

Kings and queens shine.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I saw that Jesus was still suffering for the sins of the world, and I thought he didn't deserve to suffer any more than he already had.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone also apparently takes the blame for other people's sins. I don't know why they should do that, unless it avails somehow, by a mediaevalist transference of merits, to the eternal weal of the one for whom the rap is taken. Which would be a good thing, I suppose. Rory did it for his beloved but someone is doing it for everyone, especially those who hate him. While we were yet sinners Jesus died for us. Greater love has no man, than he who dies for his friends. You see by dying for his friends while they are still his enemies, he makes them his friends. That's where it's at.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Devil's servitor is following me around trying vainly to, I don't know, smear me with some of her dirt. The essence of the strategy on these occasions, I have always found invariably to be the case, is to ignore, ignore, and ignore. They soon give up because these evil spirits have a limited energy supply whereas the King's children have the eternal Holy Spirit of God, who is, well, eternal in power, upon whom to draw for power. So, I shan't bother to dip my hands, which I have just washed, into the shet of the guts of the enemy's servants. I'll move on to more interesting and diverting things.

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