This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Last night was a blast. Henry and three girls here. I'm feeling relatively OK but need to detox badly. I just wish I could pauesthai farmaka lambanein. I feel sick at heart because of the X I had which (although prescribed) is the most psychologically damaging substance of them all.

I think I'm going to have to go with Henry to the Eastern Cape next week. I think it's the only way. At least a month down there. That will be a massive culture shock but I've got to do it. Only difficulty is, how do I get there? Because I'm certainly NOT driving my Wilfie to that part of the country. It would ruin him. He's a sensitive sports car and not a rugged cross country kinda car.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm thinking I'm gonna have to go down to the E Cape with Henry. I've suddenly got a social life again and I can't afford it this time. I've just taken on another bloody contract and oh I dunno, I'm falling apart at the seams although I do have this amazing feeling of my Father's everlasting arms underneath. Maybe Nana can help me. I wish she could come to the E Cape with us. I need to see the medicine man - iprofeti - the guy who tells you what's wrong with you and gives you medicines to take. But surely the Spirit can do everything he needs to? But I've got all this witchy kak in me and I can't get rid of it. I told God I want to forgive my mother but the wounds are so, so deep, so very deep, that I can't find them to give them to God.

My book should sell. I dislike the idea of selling work that God gives me as a blessing, but getting it out there is so difficult.

In the meantime there's always Nana. I need to see a lot more of her. L is either playing very hard to get or actually really can't stand the thought of me, which is totally understandable, so oh I don't know.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

To make peace, you must endure the war yourself.

For others to have peace, you must suffer.

Oh I'm all right. Better take me pills.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've had me pill. I'm all right now. But if I go to the Eastern Cape I'll have to lock up here and I'll have to take an amp and a Netbook and a dongle and hard drives and so on. No phone line so I'd have to rely on two dongles, the new one and the less new one. If there's 3G access in Engcobo. I dunno.

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